Thursday, November 5, 2020

Life of the people in the mountains:


Nepal  is a country  of  mountians. Nepal  is divided  into  three geographical  regions. They are Himalayan, Moutainous and Terai regions. About 84 percent of the  land lies in this  region.

 Mountains life spreads from  IIam to Mahakali. People  of many  castes  and religions live there. The major  castes   are Brahmin, Kshetry,  Gurung , Magar, Vishorkama, Newar , Thakali etc.  The main religions are Hindusim,  Baudhism, Christaintly and Muslim. So  they have different languages and  culture, and traditions,Most houses  are made of stone, mud and dry  grass  but these days  have been tin  roofed.

 Most people  in this  regions  are farmers. They  grow crops,  pet animals  and birds like  hen, pigeon etc.  They  grow vegetables and fruits, too. Some  places are developed. There are small  markets, So  some  people are  services holders and  businessman.

 Life of this  regions is very  difficult. People  have to  walk ups and downs on the hills. Their  homes are on a hill  and they  have to  go to  far  away  for working . They  even  have to  carry  their  drinking   water from  distant places.

 They  have  very few facilities . There are not  good distant places.

 They  have very  few facilities. There are not good motor able roads. There is no  reliable electricity . There are not  good schools and  colleges. If we can  improve the conditions, this life can be  a happy life.