Monday, November 2, 2020


 Computer is an electronic   machine. It was  developed from  calculator machine. We can  not say  what it does. But  we should  say  what it  can not  do! it means  computers are used in every  field of our life.

 Computer  is popular  among  the learned  persons and the students.  You  may work in any field today: you may be  using  a computer. We are grateful to  Charles Babbage who  invented such a useful thing for us.

Computers have some  important pats. Monitor, mouse, the CPU or central processing  unit  or the  brain  of the computer are major   parts.

 It is  used in  offices  to keep  records  of the  staff, account  , make  grogrammes,  prepare letters and  documents etc.  It is used  to design  dress  or to  treat  a sick  person. It is used  in schools and colleges to  make class room  teaching  effective it  is said, ' Computers have become a part of life.'

Nowadays, the doctors  use computer to treat a patient. If you  talk  about  engineers , they  can do  nothing  without  it. Some  persons  may misuse  it just  to pass  time   and spreading evil information. So we  must use  it for   the betterment of oneself and society being careful of its  demerits.