Friday, December 11, 2020

An unforgettable event of my life

 One day when, I was  in class  nine,  my friends made a plan for  tour. We  decided to go to Lumbini. We made a plan to go early and see the historical shrines in  Lumbini. We set out early in the morning on a Saturday. We had taken our tiffin with us to eat when we got to Lumbini

When we  reached Daunne,  it had already been 7 am Most passengers got off  there to see the  Gomba and the bus was almost empty. The driver disappeared. We waited for an hour but  nobody came there. We went searching them.  We found them  inside a hostel playing cards. It had been 9.30 by then. When we asked the bus  staff replied that they  had  to wait for the pass passengers who had gone  to the  Gomba. We shouted against them.

 A crowed of people gathered in no  time.  Some  people took  our side. At last he was ready  to refund us. It had already been  ten  thirty. We could  not  decide what to do.

 We took another bus  and went to Lumbini. We reached  there at two  and looked at the Gombas made  by many  foreigners there; and the popular mayadci temple and the  peace flame. It got  five by then so we came  back home  at about nine 0'clock at night. I can  never forget this event in my life.