Thursday, December 10, 2020

If I were a doctor in your local hospital

 I'm a class ten  student now and I'm in preparation for the SLC examination. I think of many things regarding to my  society. I have seen so many people dying  of or  suffering from many diseases.

 If I were a doctor of my local hospital, I would save them from these dangers. I would first of all educate the people regarding the food  items they eat. I would educate the people to drink clean water. The next, I  would suggest them about the necessary factors needed in their food.

 The next thing, I would start  a paying clinic in addition to my normal duty.  Then I  would  check  them  for a  nominal fee. But,  I would  give  check  them  for a nominal  fee But, I would give  the old  people first priority . I would  give  them  the sample medicine free of cost.

 I wouldn't pass  my time only checking the patents. I  would save some time for my  study and research works.  I would contribute the medical sector finding out new facts.

  I would organize a health club  in my  community. It  will  educate people  how to keep  the environment clean to be safe from communicable diseases.

 Hence, If I were  a doctor. I would  certainly do  something for myself, for my  people and for my   nation.