Thursday, December 10, 2020

My daily routine

 I am a good  student of my class. I know that students must have their routine. It helps them  to  do their works properly and systemically. They can give  importance to all the  necessary things. It also helps to form a good habit.

 I have made a routine. I generally get up at 5:00 o'clock. I complete getting fresh by 5:30 am. Then I read my books up to 7:00 am. My mother prepares tea by them. After having tea and some, I write  my  home work till  8:30 and  prepare books for school before I have my lunch. After that,  I got to school. I  stay at school from 10:00 to 4:30 pm.

 At school, I play active role  in my class . I  take parts in games and when  I get free time, I go to library. I  sometimes talk to friends about our problems. We  find out problems to ask our teachers.

 At half past four, I come back  home. Every day,  pass  sometime in  leisure. I often water flowers. It  os my hobby.

 At 6:0' clock, I enter my reading room and write homework. We have meal at about 8:00 clock. Then I watch T.V. for about half an hour half an hour. I complete my  homework and go to bed  around at ten. I generally pass my  time like this.