Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Saraswati Puja

 The Hindu look upon Saraswati as the goddess of  learning and music. Students, teachers, scholars, celebrate this festival. It falls in Magh. The day also known as Shripanchami. She wears white saree. The white colour is the sign of purity. She sits on a white swan and puts her feet on a white lotus. She holds a musical instrument called bina, in her hands. There are many books by side.

 Students worship on her image or photos. Student adorn the place  of worship, they rise early, have a bath and  make all arrangement for the Workship. The  school priest distributes prasad when the  workship is finished. The next morning the image is taken in a procession to the river and  immersed in the water.

This  festival has an educative value They learn the value of co-operation and gain self-confidence.