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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Why should we send our children to school

 Children are the citizens of tomorrow, it is a known fact that  this is the most important time  for a person. This is the most  active., energetic and  enthusiastic time of life. Like  this, school is the  temple  where knowledge and skills are spread around. So we can realize children and schools are like blood and muscle of a body.

The childhood is a learning time. Children cannot remain without  learning  in this time. They  learn whatever they  find, They  learn  what they  can  hear, do or see. If  they  are given environment to learn right things, they will  learn right. In  the same  way,  if they  are exposed  to bad  environment, they  will  learn bad things.

If they  are sent  to schools,  they will  learn  to read,  write, get relationship  with educational personalities  etc. They  will be  educated. They  will  pass their  time for  building  their  future life. In the same way, if they  don't  go to school, they  will have  to mix up with  the street boys and pass their  time in the dust.

The children today are the responsible citizens of  tomorrow. What will be  the future society  if our children remain uneducated? What will  country be  like  then? So only if we  educate our  children now,  they can  be  educated and skillful.

 Therefore, We  should  send our  children to school.

Importance of Technical education


Every body knowns, education in the backbone for the development of  a country. We can get knowledge from education. Education gives us skills and techniques. So we can use the knowledge and skills in the field we like. So only  the educated persons can live happily.

 We have general and technical education, General education  means  the study  of theoretical subjects like English, Nepali, Mathematics, Social Studies  etc. Technical education is practical education. Computer operating, tailoring, carpentry, engineering , medical  study , free  mason etc. are common technical subjects. The  study of lab  technology, engineering , agro technology, (JTs, JTAs) etc. are the technical subjects.

If we get this type  of education, we can get simple  jobs, Nowadays, people  have a thought that students should get a job  as soon  as they  get through a level. It is  true that  the poverty  in the society  has compelled  to think so. If students get technical  education. It is  easier for them to get  a job.

 But, we must  not  forget  intellectual education. We  can spread  both  kind  of education  together  But,  technical  education  has been  a necessity of the time.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Road Accidents

 Accidents are undesirable and  unfortunate events. They  may  take place  any time where. We can see and hear many accidents like plane crash, boat accident, road accident , etc. The accidents that  happen on  the road  are called road  accidents.

 There are many  causes accident. Lack of experience and over confidence, over crowded roads, are the causes of  accidents. The people  walking  along  the road may cross the road  from  any where . They  do not  know traffic rules.

 Some people   take  driving as an amusement and drive carelessly. They  even  drive  drinking a lot. Some people  enjoy  talking on the mobiles while driving.

 The most  important thing is discipline. If people  are  disciplined, they will  follow  a system . After  people  start  following  a system, such  events  are easily controlled.

 We should  follow  some  measures to control  accidents. We should  train  common  people. We  should  make  them  aware  of traffic rules. Distribution of license  should  be little  strict. Incapable  persons should  not be  given  a driving  license at any  condition. The important of too  many  vehicles should  be  banned.

Use of water resources


Nepal is a poor  country  but it is  full  of natural  resources. We have many  kinds  of resources , Water  resource is  the major  source. We have  Himalays, glaciers, ever flowing  permanent rivers, water fails, large lakes etc. If we can use them properly, We can  turn our poor  country  into  a rich country.

 We  can use our rivers  for hydro electric power stations. We can produce so much  electricity that  we do not need all. Electricity  provide us with light . We can  use it  for our  domestic   purpose such as lighting, heating, cooling, watchin TV, operating computers, using  refrigerators, lifting water of drinking and irrigation purposes etc. The major  use of electricity  will be  to run  large, medium  and small  scale  industries etc.  The next  we can  use electricity  for  transport  So  we need  not buy  petroleum from foreign Countries.

The  next  important  sector  is  that we can use water resources for  irrigation. We can build  small  and big  cannels for irrigating land. So we can   produce enough  crops for the people  and even for export .  

We can also  use water  for  entertainment. We can  build hotels on the  banks of the  rivers and lakes. They will attract domestic and foreign tourists So, water resources is very  important for us.

Rivers of Nepal

 Nepal is a country  of natural  resources. Rivers are our very  important national property. They  are the  boon of  nature. Our country  is known as the second richest country in the world after Brazil.

Thousands of  rivers flow  through   Nepal . Some  rivers  begin  from the  snow  capped  Himalayas. They are big and always flowing  rivers, Koshi,  Mechi ,  Arun,  Gandaki, Karnali etc. are some  example  of these kinds. We can  use  them  in irrigation, producing  electricity, for  transport, for  entertainment etc. We can attract  tourists because of these  rivers. We can preserve rare water animals in  these rivers.

Some  others  begin from  the Mahabharat range, These rivers are also  permanent but  they have a little  water  in winter. These  rivers are also  used for  irrigation, running  water mills,  small scale electric projects etc.

 The  rest begin  from  the Siwalik Hills. They  are big  in the rainy days of  summer but dry  in winter . They are very  dangerous  in summer when  it rains heavily. We  can also  use them  for irrigation.

 They  flood in summer  and destroy  our crops; sweep away  our  houses. We must be  careful then. If we  can uses our  rivers, we can  develop our country.