Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Why should we send our children to school

 Children are the citizens of tomorrow, it is a known fact that  this is the most important time  for a person. This is the most  active., energetic and  enthusiastic time of life. Like  this, school is the  temple  where knowledge and skills are spread around. So we can realize children and schools are like blood and muscle of a body.

The childhood is a learning time. Children cannot remain without  learning  in this time. They  learn whatever they  find, They  learn  what they  can  hear, do or see. If  they  are given environment to learn right things, they will  learn right. In  the same  way,  if they  are exposed  to bad  environment, they  will  learn bad things.

If they  are sent  to schools,  they will  learn  to read,  write, get relationship  with educational personalities  etc. They  will be  educated. They  will  pass their  time for  building  their  future life. In the same way, if they  don't  go to school, they  will have  to mix up with  the street boys and pass their  time in the dust.

The children today are the responsible citizens of  tomorrow. What will be  the future society  if our children remain uneducated? What will  country be  like  then? So only if we  educate our  children now,  they can  be  educated and skillful.

 Therefore, We  should  send our  children to school.