Monday, October 5, 2020

Gautam Buddha and Buddhism

 Gautam  Buddha a was born  in Lumbini as a prince in a Royal family  about 2600 years ago. He was  a kind   hearted person. As  he went  about  the streets, he  saw old , weak,  and dying people . He realized that  people  had to go  through  sorrows and miserable  people  had to go  through  sorrows and miserable  lives. This  thinking made  him give  up the  princely  life  and decided to abandon  the coomon and social  life.

 One night , he left his  young  wife,  his son  and his  royal  palace and set  out for  the place where  he could  find out  the way  for remedy. He  devoted  in different  places  and reached Gaya, place in India, where  he gained "Bodhisatto",  the knowledge.

Today, Budhism is a  popular  religion  among  the  people  of the world.  It is  very  much  popular  in Sri Lanka,  Indonesia, China,  and Japan etc.  Nepal is  the motherland of Gautam Buddha. It is  itself  popular here.

The core principle  of the religion is "Non-Violence ". It  means  it's  a sin  to kill any  living  and cause  troubles to   others living things. Their  belief and approach  is known as  Panchasil.

 This  made Gautam  Buddha  the light  of Asia. He  became  famous  world wide  and followed by the  people  of the world.