Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Child Right

 Child means a human  in his/her early stage of life. the most important time  of life. "Right" means the  power that is given by stage "Laws" So, "Child right" means the power a child  can  bring into  practise . A child should be given  some  basic rights.

The fist thing, the child  should  get is  a chance to  eat hygienic  food, live in a comfortable  place  and  have good  friends. The  he  should  get  love, Like-wise, the next important thing is the chance to  learn, He should  equally  get a chance of games and entertainment.

Development of a child  means- physical,  mental,  social  and psychological development. A child is  in  our palm, We can  make  him  what  we like . The  great persons of  our societies today, are  the products of  society of  the past.

 Therefore, the children  should  get  chance to  develop their  personality. We  should  empower the  children  now so  we will  get  qualified citizens educated and  qualified manpower  for tomorrow. So,  the most important thing is that  we should  give  them  hygienic   food, environment, education, time  them hygienic food, environment, education, time  to enjoy and love. These  are  the basic  things for a child.