Friday, October 30, 2020

My village then and now

I live in a village. The name of my village is Surya Nagar. When I was a little  child my  village was back warded. I  can  remember the houses  were small. They were made of dry sticks and dry grass. Only a few houses were made of bricks and dry  grass. Only a few houses were made of bricks. We had no electricity. We read in kerosene lamp. The roads were narrow. They were muddy in summer and  dusty in winter. We had a Primary school.

 Now, my village has been  changed a lot. Most of the houses are concrete buildings . We have electricity, We can watch TV, operate computer, and  refrigerators, grind things, run fans in the hot days, heat water in the  cold months etc. We have telephones.

The  roads have been  graveled. We have a  bus service to the city. We can go to hospital in need. We have a higher secondary school in our Village. We need not go  far away for school education. We have a health post in the village. It has  a service of  health assistant and a mid-wife. We have got  a police post for security.

 We have a library in the village. We  have a small market. We need  not go  to the city for simple  purposes. Our lives have been  very comfortable. Our village has changed and developed a lot.