Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Like many other festivals, Lhosar is a popular festival of the  Nepalese people. It is mainly popular among some people of Buddhist community.

This festival is celebrated by Gurungs,  Tamangs and Sherpa people of Nepal. It has a special meaning. 'Lho' means 'Barga' and Sar means 'New'. So they celebrate this festival to observe their new year. In their  culture, the 'Bargas' change at this time.

 It is celebrate it on the 15th Paush, Tamangs on the day after Maghe Anusi and Sherpas on a different day.

 They believe that  the 'Barga' has a special  out put to  the person's health, prosperity and social status. It may also have and effect on the time of the year. Their  horoscopes are made on this basis.

 On the auspicious day, they wear their unique traditional clothes and go to  Gumbas to get blessing from Lama, their priest. Specially those,  whose 'Barga' has been  changed, must go to the Gumba.

They invite the married daughters and  nieces for feasts. They enjoy singing and dancing for a long time. While one is dancing, the audience offer money what they say 'Ful Lagaune', but this money is collected for Gumba Fund. These activities help to make their  racial harmony.