Monday, October 19, 2020

My Favourite Profession

 profession means the work we do. it is gained after a certain qualification and skills. People have some works. Some are farmers. they work in the field. some are teachers. some are sweepers. some are shopkeepers. any way, every body is doing something. these are their occupations or profession.

My favourite profession is 'computer engineer'. this is the age of computers. the invention of computer has changed out everyday life a lot. we need computer if we like to do anything.

it is the most popular invention of this time. it we know to operate computer, we can get to know and do a  lot living in our rooms. computer engineers are very highly respected these days.

computer are used worldwide. it we have a degree of computer engineer, we can go to any country without difficulty. we can get job in our country or in a foreign country.

new innovations are being made in this field. we can get chances to face those challenges. there is always a chance to be competent worldwide .

so, i like to be a computer engineer and become world wide popular.