Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Animal Right.

We talk about  rights these days. We show protest rallies to get our rights. We call Human Right. We  are really  aware of our rights. We  call Human Right. We are really  aware of our right, the human right.

 But as we go to a butcher's, we see a pitiful life of the animals. A goat or  a buffalo is cruelly killed by the place a flock of other animals are tied. What do they feel seeing an animal being killed?

If you see  the buffaloes being carried to Kathmandu from the terai in  a truck, you cannot  look at it. They keep so many buffaloes in a truck. It seems as if  they have carried non-living things and that they  need not  breathe.  What will  we feel  if we are kept in  a narrow room for a day?

The world is a common place to live. If  we talk about human rights, don't we have to think about animal rights? Human beings are known as the most intelligent and  civilized animals of the world, So, we cannot be civilized showing our brutal behaves towards other living beings.

 We know that  we  cannot  live if all  other animals are  killed because we all live in the same system. We should stop killing animals. If  we cannot  stop it, we should  not torture the animals like this.

So we must not behaves with  the animals  like these. We should  think they are  living  things, too.