Thursday, October 15, 2020


 Hobby is an  activity we do  in free time. It is very interesting to be involved in hobbies. It is not a compulsory thing one must do . It adds fun to  the  person. Persons have  different interests. They  pass   their  time  doing  what  they like. So,  these  voluntary activities are hobbies.

Persons  have  different interests .Some like  to collect  stamps. Stamps are important things because they  show  the things of nations life. Some like to collect different flowers  in their garden. Some  collect  money  of different  countries. This makes them  learn about different countries and their traditions.

 Others are found of drawing pictures. Some  others sing songs. They  can be  popular  singers  in future. Some read and write  in their  free time. Later  they  can be  great poets  or author. There are so many  things  people  do in their  free time.

 These  types of activities make  people  active.  They  can pass  their  time in a creative way.  Such  persons are not  involved  in destructive actions. Because they have already set up their mind in creation. The most important  thing is that  people  once involved in a hobby  can make  a good  career  in future. They  can learn new  things  from  their  hobby . So hobby is useful in human  life.