Saturday, October 17, 2020

Tyranny in our Society

 There are many  kinds  of people  in the community  some look  very  gentle. Some  look  rich  and  prosperous . The  others are miser. Some others are very poor. They  are suffering from  problems . They  are passing a miserable life.

People  say they  are human . They  are  rationale.  But some  people  are very  unfair.  Their  children go to school  to learn. But they  let some children to  work  hard  for them  at home.

 They  deliver lectures on human  rights  in meetings and seminars.  But  when  they  see  the children of  the poor family or of  the lower  castes, they  hate them.

Some  children are found  collecting plastics on the  roads.  These  so called  superior  persons don't  show  pity on them. Instead , they  shout  at them . If they  get  chance  they take  home  to enslave them.

 How  unfair  we are at this. These  street  children  have no home to live . They  have to pass  their  nights  on the roads . Where  is our  human  rights? Where is our  humanity?

 I think  we  don't  have  rights to talk  about  human  right until we  behave all children  equally. We  should  change  ourselves before we suggest others.