Friday, October 16, 2020

Superstitious beliefs in our Society.

 Every Society has its own norms and values. They  pass to the new  generation slowly.  Some norms and  values are very   useful for the  new generations  but some are very bad. They draw the society backwards rather than forwards.

 We have some  superstitious  beliefs. It is thought that if  a persons is going  somewhere and sees an empty vessel; his journey will not  be successful. In  the same  way, if  someone sees a widow on the  way while  going some where , it is thought to be  bad luck. While  someone is going  out  and sees a black smith. It is also  taken as a misfortune. But a tailor is taken as a fortune.

 A more  serious case is that, in the  western  region of Nepal , the girls  are not allowed to enter the  houses in their menstruation period. They are believed to be the  untouchables. If she touches males during this period it is  regarded as a sin.

In the same way , it is thought that the girls  should   be  married before they  are  twelve. What will be the  future of the girls, who  are married at the  age of  twelve?

 So it is  too late to change our thinking . Let's  become  human. Let's live and let others live as human. it will show our civilization.