Sunday, October 18, 2020

An accident I witnessed

 It was my friend's birthday. I was cycling towards his home with a friend. We were on our bicycles Since the road was wide and clean, we were cycling side by side  and talking.

 I was surprised hearing  a noise behind me I  stopped  my bicycle  and turned to the  noise . A girl and a man  were lying  down  on the road . A  bicycle  and a  motorbike were also  lying  down  beside then. We   turned back and rushed to the  spot.

The scene showed  the motorbike  had hit  the bicycle. The girl was unable to stand up .  She  was  our friend,  Rachana. When  we  asked  she told  she felt  pain  on the  leg. But, later  we found  she had  no serious injury. My god !She was safe.

 The motorbike rider was injured on the leg  and hand.  He had wounds on the  knee. It was bleeding. The  wound  on the  hand was also big.  I thought it might  have been  broken.
We called  an ambulance and took  them to  a nearby clinic. The  health  worker examined and said Rachana. had no  serious injury. So, she need  not go  to hospital .
She went  home after some time. But, the man  was  seriously  injured on the  hand. We called this  relative  and sent him to  the hospital. Later, I heard he was  plastered there and  got well.