Thursday, October 8, 2020

Education for Girls

 Education is light of life. It is also  the cultivation of life. Education makes a man social and civilized. Education gives us knowledge, skills and  techniques for our lives. It gives us ideas to find out the right and wrong, good and bad etc.

 Girls are  about half of the  total  population . The girls today are the mothers of tomorrow. It is said mother is the first  teacher and  home is the first school of a child. So, mothers must be educated to makes the  child  educated. If a man  is educated, he can be  educated alone, but  if we educate a women we can educate the whole  family. If the women are educated, they  will get  jobs, they can  live on  their own. They  will not  have to  face problems.

 Men and women  are like  two  wheels of a cart. If one  wheel of the cart is unwell, it can not run  well, So, if  women are uneducated, they can  not help  us to  develop the country.

 Educated  men and  uneducated  women  cannot  be  good  husband  and wife because they  cannot  have  a good  understanding.

 In  addition  to these , educated is for  enabling personality . If  the women  are educated , they  will be  independent. They will  not  have to  depend on  their  husbands . So it  is necessary  to educated  the girls  also  for social  justice.

Therefore, for  the all -round  development of a country, we  must  educate  girls  and make  them  able  to do  everything as a man  does.