Thursday, October 15, 2020

The season I like most


We have four seasons in  a year. They  are spring summer,  autumn and winter. I like  spring season the most. This  season  begins from the second half  of Magh and lasts for three months.

 This  is very  pleasant season. People  feel  cheerful in this season. It comes just  after  the hard  freezing cold  cold of  winter season.  People  feel  relief  to get  out of  the thick  winter clothes. They  needn't  be inside most of  the time. The atmosphere  looks free  from  the thick fog  and frost  in the mountains. They can  enjoy the warmth  of the  sun  in the  open  spaces. People  makes  plans of  getting  out,  travelling to the  places of their  choice. Children  enjoy playing  out side  in the sun . How  beautiful  seasons  is it! my spring season.

 Even the naked trees all  the winter  seasons, are filled with new leaves,  and look  like  the girls in beautiful dresses . It looks  green  every  where so  the whole  atmosphere  looks  alive.

 Birds also  enjoy  this season. They  are seen happy  and merry  making. They  build  nests and hatch their  eggs. Nestlings get out  of  their   nests and fly. They  look active, energetic and eager to the new  world. The  spring  showers  the nectar that gives life to all  living  things.