Sunday, October 11, 2020


Patriotism means strong support of one's  country. It means to love one's  a motherland. The land or the country where one was born is  the mother land. In  our culture, we say, motherland is more important than heaven. So it is said, "Janani Janma bhumishcha sworgadapi gariyasi."

Now we should consider" What is love of country?' Love country is not only saying or giving lectures. 

It is felt and seen in actions.

 How can we do this? The most important  thing is that we should  respect our  motherland. We should be honest to the country. We should  do our duty honestly.

 Doing something for the nation is patriotism and  the actors are  patriots. We have  many  patriots in the history. Bhimsen  Thapa, Balbhadra Kuwar and many other had devoted  their  lives to save  the nation.  Araniko had  spread our culture to China. So many  writes, poets, singers have done a lot to protect and develop Nepali language and culture. 

 All these  are  the patriotic works.

 Doing some thing  from  where we are  and what we can, is patriotism. But the  ones who live only  for  themselves are like the dead ones. So let's do  something good for the nation and be  a patriot.