Friday, October 16, 2020

My role model

 I am a student now. I have  seen many  people  around me. I like  some people a lot; I quite like others and I do not like  the rest. Being a student, I  have to  learn a lot. It is my learning time. People's  impression plays very   important role  in our whole life. Binod Gupta in my role model. I like him very much. I like  to follow him for building my character and  personality.

 He is  a social  worker. He is about forty  years old. He is  and educated person. He has a job in an office. He passes his free time doing social works. When people  are sick in the  neighborhood, he  is found helping them.  When  people  have to  he is found   helping  them.  When  people  have to  do some  development works, he is busy their . When  people  are talking  about building a school, he is  leading  the group.

 We  have a library.  He had  set up  the library.  It is  for   the children of our locality.  When  we are  free,  we  go to  the library to read. We can get many  interesting books and  magazines there.

He  speaks  politely. He  respects  others. He hardly  gets angry. he works for others. People  respect him. He says  small things are very  important and  we can do  small  things ourselves. They  help us a  lot in  our lives.  They  makes us  great persons. So I like  to be  like him. He is my role model.