Monday, October 12, 2020

Good manners

 Good means nice and manners means the  behaviors of persons. So here, good manners means, likely behaves of persons.

What are good manners? The most important thing is the  'speech' of a persons. It is the most important thing because you can impress a person with your speaking at the very first time. It depends upon whether you respect others. If you do not respect others, they will not respect you. If you do not speak politely and do not respect others, you may  me taken as a rude person. People do not like such persons.

 Then one's  activities  are taken. How sincere is one? If you  do any thing sincerely and you  keep your words, you are taken as an honest person. But, if you do not care  time and the person with  whom you are talking to, they  will not take you a good person. Your behavior should  help others. If you cannot do so, don't  harm others.

So, politeness, respectful  behaves, honestly, punctuality, sincerity are the measuring rods to  check a person. One  should do things in time. It is said, early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. Therefore, in conclusion, the  sound habits are good manners.