Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Use of water resources


Nepal is a poor  country  but it is  full  of natural  resources. We have many  kinds  of resources , Water  resource is  the major  source. We have  Himalays, glaciers, ever flowing  permanent rivers, water fails, large lakes etc. If we can use them properly, We can  turn our poor  country  into  a rich country.

 We  can use our rivers  for hydro electric power stations. We can produce so much  electricity that  we do not need all. Electricity  provide us with light . We can  use it  for our  domestic   purpose such as lighting, heating, cooling, watchin TV, operating computers, using  refrigerators, lifting water of drinking and irrigation purposes etc. The major  use of electricity  will be  to run  large, medium  and small  scale  industries etc.  The next  we can  use electricity  for  transport  So  we need  not buy  petroleum from foreign Countries.

The  next  important  sector  is  that we can use water resources for  irrigation. We can build  small  and big  cannels for irrigating land. So we can   produce enough  crops for the people  and even for export .  

We can also  use water  for  entertainment. We can  build hotels on the  banks of the  rivers and lakes. They will attract domestic and foreign tourists So, water resources is very  important for us.