Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A winter day

 We have four seasons. Winter is known  as the  last season. It comes  after autumn, and before spring. It  lasts three months, December, January and  February. It is the cold season of the year. It comes  after autumn and before spring seasons.

 A person  gets up in the  morning and wraps in the  clothes because of cold. He does not like  to get out.  He looks out. The environment is dark because of  fog. It he walks around , he finds his clothes wet. Old  people  feel very   much cold  and get  sick.

 He looks  at threes. They are naked. They  have  no leaves. If some  trees have a few  leaves. They  are faded and  lifeless. They really  look  like  the old  persons.  They are waiting  to fall  down  as the old  people waiting the days of their  death.

 He looks  see  a bird  singing  on a tree. He cannot  see  the nests  on the trees.  The birds don't  look happy.  They  get out  of   their  nests  late in  the morning. They have  no interest in life. They look like  the tired and hopeless people. Even   animals  do not  see  happy and energetic. So a winter day looks dull  boring  and lifeless. I do not  like this.