Monday, October 5, 2020

Dowry System

 Dowry is  money  or things  given  to the  lady  at their  marriage. In  our tradition, the parents of  the bride give sets  of  furniture , utensils , clothes , ornaments etc. Some   even give  large  amount  of properly. In  the terai, the groom's  families  demand money and  property.

Some  people  say  this system  is good  . They  say the  girls  must  get some  dowry  when  she  has to  leave  the parents "home ". It  helps  keep  good  relationship  between  the families.  It's  their  right  to take  some  property  at the wedding. The  newly  married  couple  can run  their   life  with  the money  they  get  as dowry . 

 Some  people  say  dowry  system  is not  good . They  say  it is  difficult   for the  girls  of the  poor  families to get married. No body  likes  to marry  the girls   of the   poor families.  We have  heard  some girls  have killed themselves  because of dowry . In some  families  there   is conflictions. Even  the married  ladies  have  toe  tortured. They  have even  been  killed as they  could  not bring  property  from their   parents.

 In my  opinion, we  should  educate  the girls  and make  them  skillful. After  this,  the girls can live  on their  own.  Then  they  can marry themselves. This  will enable  the girls and they can live  a human  life.  We  should  stop  this dowry system.