Monday, October 12, 2020


Discipline means the  'training of mind and character'. In simple words. it  means to develop the habit of likely manners.

It is very necessary for  everybody.What will happen if the soldiers do not follow the commander in the battle field?  It is equally important in the student life because student life  is the training period for the  whole life. It is the time to build good character and  personality.

 In  common sense discipline means only  to be a silent follow and to listen to the seniors. But  it is not discipline. A  disciplined person tells  the truth and facts is a polite way.  He can present  his views  in a good  manner.

 Discipline is an  ornament of a person. If furnishes and adds scent in one's life . it is necessary for every one if s/he likes to make him/ herself a great person, good person and respected person.Who  will  follow  an undisciplined  leader? He way be followed  for a short period of time, but sooner of later he will be rejected. No country can be developed if its  people are not  disciplined. A country cannot  develop if its  people are not  disciplined  and do not follow the  national rules. So, discipline is a necessary thing for  us.