Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Forests of Nepal

 We are rich in natural resources. We are rich in forest. We used to say  'Nepal Ko dhan Hario ban.' It's real. It is still true.

Our country has different geographical features. Climate is  different in different  geographical regions.

In the Himalayan range, climate is cool. So  the plants are small. The forests are not  denser; but  we find very  useful herbs. In the mountainous region the  trees are small  but keep greenery for long. We can  turn  them into fruit gardens.

 The terai region is  the  best place for forests. The Char Koshe Jhadi', which spreads from  east to west,  is dense forest. It has very useful  trees like Sal, Satisal, Sisau,  Khayar etc. These  forest are the  stores of our national property. They  give us timber, firewood, herbs etc. They provide with   shelter for wild animals and birds which  are uncommon in the  world.

 The  forests cause to rain, check floods and landslides , They  produce enough  oxygen and makes  the atmosphere fresh. They  help keep up the  eco-system. We can develop them into  national parks and preserve animals and birds.

 There, forests  of Nepal  are very  important  for  our lives, our  progress and our satisfaction.