Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Importance of extra curricular activities.


The students learn the same books and appear the  same  examinations. But, some  students are far better than others, It  is because  some  take part in the extra curricular activities and others don't.

 For the all round  development of  a student , only  the course books and class room  activities  are not  enough . Extra curricular  activities play  very  important role.

 These  may be  games, quiz contests, spelling contests, dancing, singing, oratory contests, drawing, writing poems, stories, essays etc. Games will help them  develop their  body; keep  healthy , learn discipline and other activities  with  help  broaden their  mind.

 To educate means, to develop the inherent capacity  of the students. For  this,  we should  give  them  of the students. For  this , we should  give  them, chances to take part  in the activities  of their  interest. 

It's  human  nature that  everyone  likes to win and  show one self superior  others, So even  if a student  it weak  at theoretical  study , he/she  can be  brilliant  at  other extra curricular activities.

 Moreover , they enjoy  taking  part  in competitions, If they get chances to take part in these  activities, they  will use  free  time  and can  be   safe from unlikely  activities.