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Monday, October 12, 2020

Domesticated Animals in Nepalese Economy

 We live in the villages. Farmers raise many pet animals. Domesticated animals are the most important source of income for the  farmers living in the rural areas. They  also play very  important role in the national economy.

 The major  pet animals in our society are buffalo, cows, goats, sheep, hen ducks, pigs etc. The main purpose of these pet animals is to get meat, eggs, milk, wool, manure, calves and bullocks for their  field works etc.

 They also  pet animals for their  every day work. They  are like oxen to plough field  and for carrying loads for business and their  home use. They use he  buffaloes and bullocks to pull  cart or some  mills too. The horses are used as  means of transport. We  ride horses to travel. They  also  pull Tonga in the city areas.

Carts are very  useful  means of transport in the  villages to help of   farmers and they  are  pulled by the bullocks.

Some even  pet  elephants. They do  a lot  of works. They carry heavy loads. They attract tourists and for circuses.

 These animals  help us to  develop economic growth.


Martyrs are the heroes who  have sacrificed their lives for  the living people. Life is perhaps the dearest thing for the people but  the martyrs give their  lives for the country, or really saying it is for  the living people.

 Who can be martyrs? Those people who  have some aims; have  dreams for  the nation, have plans to make their  nation a heaven, can be this type of heroes.

 Many people might have seen injustice, partialities and exploitation of the powerful people over powerless ones. They don't oppose them. They think it is not their duty to do so.

 But some people can't remain unheard and unseen. So they opposes the exploitations, partialities, tyranny etc. They protest them. They don't care their lives. And they are indicated as the enemies of  the powerful ones.

 Shukraraj, Gangalal, Dashrath Chand and Dharmabhakta were arrested by the  Rana rulers. They asked them them to beg for their lives. But  they  denied. They  repeated for the freedom of  the people. So they  were killed.

 So, martyrs are the great and respected persons. But, the leaders are neglecting the dreams of the  martyrs. We should  be aware of this. 

Good manners

 Good means nice and manners means the  behaviors of persons. So here, good manners means, likely behaves of persons.

What are good manners? The most important thing is the  'speech' of a persons. It is the most important thing because you can impress a person with your speaking at the very first time. It depends upon whether you respect others. If you do not respect others, they will not respect you. If you do not speak politely and do not respect others, you may  me taken as a rude person. People do not like such persons.

 Then one's  activities  are taken. How sincere is one? If you  do any thing sincerely and you  keep your words, you are taken as an honest person. But, if you do not care  time and the person with  whom you are talking to, they  will not take you a good person. Your behavior should  help others. If you cannot do so, don't  harm others.

So, politeness, respectful  behaves, honestly, punctuality, sincerity are the measuring rods to  check a person. One  should do things in time. It is said, early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. Therefore, in conclusion, the  sound habits are good manners.


Discipline means the  'training of mind and character'. In simple words. it  means to develop the habit of likely manners.

It is very necessary for  everybody.What will happen if the soldiers do not follow the commander in the battle field?  It is equally important in the student life because student life  is the training period for the  whole life. It is the time to build good character and  personality.

 In  common sense discipline means only  to be a silent follow and to listen to the seniors. But  it is not discipline. A  disciplined person tells  the truth and facts is a polite way.  He can present  his views  in a good  manner.

 Discipline is an  ornament of a person. If furnishes and adds scent in one's life . it is necessary for every one if s/he likes to make him/ herself a great person, good person and respected person.Who  will  follow  an undisciplined  leader? He way be followed  for a short period of time, but sooner of later he will be rejected. No country can be developed if its  people are not  disciplined. A country cannot  develop if its  people are not  disciplined  and do not follow the  national rules. So, discipline is a necessary thing for  us. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020


Patriotism means strong support of one's  country. It means to love one's  a motherland. The land or the country where one was born is  the mother land. In  our culture, we say, motherland is more important than heaven. So it is said, "Janani Janma bhumishcha sworgadapi gariyasi."

Now we should consider" What is love of country?' Love country is not only saying or giving lectures. 

It is felt and seen in actions.

 How can we do this? The most important  thing is that we should  respect our  motherland. We should be honest to the country. We should  do our duty honestly.

 Doing something for the nation is patriotism and  the actors are  patriots. We have  many  patriots in the history. Bhimsen  Thapa, Balbhadra Kuwar and many other had devoted  their  lives to save  the nation.  Araniko had  spread our culture to China. So many  writes, poets, singers have done a lot to protect and develop Nepali language and culture. 

 All these  are  the patriotic works.

 Doing some thing  from  where we are  and what we can, is patriotism. But the  ones who live only  for  themselves are like the dead ones. So let's do  something good for the nation and be  a patriot.