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Friday, October 16, 2020

My role model

 I am a student now. I have  seen many  people  around me. I like  some people a lot; I quite like others and I do not like  the rest. Being a student, I  have to  learn a lot. It is my learning time. People's  impression plays very   important role  in our whole life. Binod Gupta in my role model. I like him very much. I like  to follow him for building my character and  personality.

 He is  a social  worker. He is about forty  years old. He is  and educated person. He has a job in an office. He passes his free time doing social works. When people  are sick in the  neighborhood, he  is found helping them.  When  people  have to  he is found   helping  them.  When  people  have to  do some  development works, he is busy their . When  people  are talking  about building a school, he is  leading  the group.

 We  have a library.  He had  set up  the library.  It is  for   the children of our locality.  When  we are  free,  we  go to  the library to read. We can get many  interesting books and  magazines there.

He  speaks  politely. He  respects  others. He hardly  gets angry. he works for others. People  respect him. He says  small things are very  important and  we can do  small  things ourselves. They  help us a  lot in  our lives.  They  makes us  great persons. So I like  to be  like him. He is my role model.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


 Hobby is an  activity we do  in free time. It is very interesting to be involved in hobbies. It is not a compulsory thing one must do . It adds fun to  the  person. Persons have  different interests. They  pass   their  time  doing  what  they like. So,  these  voluntary activities are hobbies.

Persons  have  different interests .Some like  to collect  stamps. Stamps are important things because they  show  the things of nations life. Some like to collect different flowers  in their garden. Some  collect  money  of different  countries. This makes them  learn about different countries and their traditions.

 Others are found of drawing pictures. Some  others sing songs. They  can be  popular  singers  in future. Some read and write  in their  free time. Later  they  can be  great poets  or author. There are so many  things  people  do in their  free time.

 These  types of activities make  people  active.  They  can pass  their  time in a creative way.  Such  persons are not  involved  in destructive actions. Because they have already set up their mind in creation. The most important  thing is that  people  once involved in a hobby  can make  a good  career  in future. They  can learn new  things  from  their  hobby . So hobby is useful in human  life.

The season I like most


We have four seasons in  a year. They  are spring summer,  autumn and winter. I like  spring season the most. This  season  begins from the second half  of Magh and lasts for three months.

 This  is very  pleasant season. People  feel  cheerful in this season. It comes just  after  the hard  freezing cold  cold of  winter season.  People  feel  relief  to get  out of  the thick  winter clothes. They  needn't  be inside most of  the time. The atmosphere  looks free  from  the thick fog  and frost  in the mountains. They can  enjoy the warmth  of the  sun  in the  open  spaces. People  makes  plans of  getting  out,  travelling to the  places of their  choice. Children  enjoy playing  out side  in the sun . How  beautiful  seasons  is it! my spring season.

 Even the naked trees all  the winter  seasons, are filled with new leaves,  and look  like  the girls in beautiful dresses . It looks  green  every  where so  the whole  atmosphere  looks  alive.

 Birds also  enjoy  this season. They  are seen happy  and merry  making. They  build  nests and hatch their  eggs. Nestlings get out  of  their   nests and fly. They  look active, energetic and eager to the new  world. The  spring  showers  the nectar that gives life to all  living  things.

My favourite Book

My  favourite book is Munamadan. It was written by  the great  poem Laxmi prasad Devkota. It is  not a very big  book. It is small  is size but it gives  a great lesson. It is small  in size but it gives a great  lesson. It is written in Nepali folk tune. This is  written  on the  of a typical  Nepali family. It is written on the life of a typical  Nepali family. it is  the story  of  love,  humanity and society.

The  main characters of the  book  are Muna, Madan, Didi, the sister of Madan and a Bhote, a Himalayan person. The story  is simple . Madan had  a wife named Muna. He  was poor . He wanted  to earn money  going to Lhasa with other persons, On the  way while  coming   back  from Lhasa, he got   ill. All  his friends left him.  He was helpless By the  way, a person came there  with a wooden  lamp  hearing  his  scream.  This 'Bhote' Book  him home  and  nursed. He got  well  after a long time. When  he got  well,  he  offered a bag for the  'Bhote'. But,  he refused to  take  the gold. Then Madan got back  home with gold. But by  then,  Muna was  not there. She had already  died. He heard she died thinking  Madan  had forgotten her.

 So,  he wept and wanted  to die for Muna. This  is the story  in short . This  story  gives  the real picture of  Nepali economic  and social  condition of that  time not very  different  from  today. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Importance of extra curricular activities.


The students learn the same books and appear the  same  examinations. But, some  students are far better than others, It  is because  some  take part in the extra curricular activities and others don't.

 For the all round  development of  a student , only  the course books and class room  activities  are not  enough . Extra curricular  activities play  very  important role.

 These  may be  games, quiz contests, spelling contests, dancing, singing, oratory contests, drawing, writing poems, stories, essays etc. Games will help them  develop their  body; keep  healthy , learn discipline and other activities  with  help  broaden their  mind.

 To educate means, to develop the inherent capacity  of the students. For  this,  we should  give  them  of the students. For  this , we should  give  them, chances to take part  in the activities  of their  interest. 

It's  human  nature that  everyone  likes to win and  show one self superior  others, So even  if a student  it weak  at theoretical  study , he/she  can be  brilliant  at  other extra curricular activities.

 Moreover , they enjoy  taking  part  in competitions, If they get chances to take part in these  activities, they  will use  free  time  and can  be   safe from unlikely  activities.