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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Write an application for the vacant post as mentioned in the following advertisement.

 The Director

Aduit Care Agency

Teku, Kathmandu

Re: For the post of programme Coordinator
Dear Sir,

In response to the advertisement published in the Kathmandu Post Dated 25 th February 2010, I would like to apply myself as a qualified candidate for the post.

I am a young and dynamic lady  of 28 years. I passed  my SLC exam in the first  division from the SLC board of Nepal in 1995 and Joined Trichandra College Kathmandu where completed my  MA in Sociology with  distinction marks in 2003.

Soon after that Joined CWIN and worked as a personnel manager in the office and in this the  field.

I've got  diploma in computers. I can  work with  MS word, Excel, Photoshop, page maker and graphics. I can communincate in Nepali and English in both written and Spoken forms.

 I have enclosed all my  attested copies of certificates. experience letter, detailed CV, my Citizenship and a copy  of passport size  photograph herewith.

Reference  can be got from Mr.  Barun Kumar Shrestha, Campus Chief, Trichandra Colleges and Mrs. Arunima Pradhan , CWIN

If I get  a chance to wok at  your office  I will  do my  best  to accomplish my  duty.

 I'm looking forward to getting a positive response. 

Yours Faithfully

Pooja Kalawar

Saturday, December 12, 2020

E. preparing Bio-data /CV/ Resume(Suppose you are Ravi Yadav and you want to join a job. Prepare your bio-data.

 Name:     Ravi


Permanent:    Bhairhawa-8

Temporary:     Kalikasthan-Kathmandu

Contant:        NO

Mobile :        NO

Email:           No

Date of  birth:      14th Falgun 2045 BS

Place of birth:        Bharahawa

Sex:                         Female

Marital Status:         Unmarried

Father's name:       Karunakar Yadav

Mother's name:       Kanti  Yadav

Native language:      language: Nepali

Nationality        : Nepali

 Religion             : Hindu

 Qualification       : Bachelor of Management

Training                : Accounting

 Experience            : Auditing for two years

 Hobby                    : Reading and singing

Skills                        : Driving, Handing Accountancy, Operating computers.

Interest                       : Travelling

3. Write a news paper article on the price hike.

 The Editor

The Kathmandu Post

We students have been  suffering  from  the price hike these days. I recently went to  market to buy some vegetables . But, I was surprised hearing the price. We could not get  any green  vegetable below eighty rupees a kilo. Even  potato was sold for thirty five  rupees a  kilo.

The next we went to a grocer and asked  for a kilo of  sugar. They  said it cost sixty five rupees.  Let them  alone, we would  live on dry food.  I asked  for rice.  No rice  was sold  below fifty rupees.

Is there any responsible  authority  to inspect  this  terror to us  students? It has been  impossible  for the people like us who have no  income, to live now. It seems  the government wants  every young ones to  go to any Arabain country  country  for earning  our livelihood. So many  strikes  and  protest ralles  used to be  organized against  the price  rise  in the past.  But,   These days,  neither the political force  nor the students.

Manisha Sahani

Gahwa , Birgunj

2. Write a news paper article complaining the traffic problem of your city

 The Editor

The  Kathmandu Post

As  citizens of  a town we have  to face problems on the road. Naturally, the roads have been  narrower for the the growing  population. The number of traffic has been growing rapidly but  the roads are the same. We can  realize this fact, but the problem is that  the stake holders are careless.

 Everyone thinks  the roads are made only  for them. A mini bus drivers stops  his bus  in the middle of the  road. They would not take their side. They  don't care. They would not take their side. They don't  care whether something is coming  along the road.

We wonder, is there any responsible sector to regulate it ? I would like to request the authority to think over it though  your popular news paper.

Manisha Sahani

Kalaiya, Bara, Nepal

Friday, December 11, 2020

1.Write a newspaper article on the rubbish in your city.

 The Editor

The Himalayan Times.

We love  to live in cities. Because of some facilities, the population is growing  very fast. The number of people doesn't  grow  alone. Together with it,  the traffic and the dirt grow together. Houses have been made on fertile lands and there is no open space to breathe.

 We are  facing  serious problems  because of these  in the city. We   can  not  walk  around  the city  easily I will  like to draw  attention of the concerned through your Popular newspaper.

 I want the authority to it. I think the municipality can do  something for the remedy. I strongly request the authority that they  should  train the  people  to mange the rubbish.

 It is too late  to think  over it. Our life depends on us . Let's  think  before it is too  late to control. It  is said", A stitch in  time  saves  nine," We have to  do for us  ourselves. Let' do  something  and show we are civilized.

 Mansokh Sahani

 Ranighat  Birgunj

6. Imagine that you live in Janakpur. Your pen friend lives in Birgunj. Write a letter to her describing a popular festival of your community.

                                                                                                        Ghantaghar Birgunj

                                                                                                        2077 Baishakh 15

Dear Sarita

How are you? I'm fine  and hope  you  for the same.

I'm writing to you  about my favorites local festival.

We  celebrate  many festivals  but Sama Chakhewa is the most popular festival. Most people celebrate it.

It is celebrated on the full moon  night of Kartik.

When  the full  moon  looks in the sky, the ladies  get out of their  houses.  They carry flat baskets on their heads. They  Put   clay birds of on it.  In the middle, they place  Sama Chakhewa.  They go to the river, sing and offer flowers and sweets. They pray  for the  blessing  of for  their  brothers' long  life  and  prosperity. This festival shows the love between brothers and  sisters. They show a scene or acting  in which  they kill  the Chugala, a symbol  of evil character.

Sarita, it is in short. If  you like  to have  a real taste of the festival, please come  to take part in the festival.

Yours Sincerely

Manisha Sahani

5. Write a letter to your friend Manisha Describing your School.

                                                                                                                     Vishwa , Birgunj

                                                                                                                       Chaitra 5, 2077

Dear Manisha

How are you? I'm fine and hope  you for the same  .

I'm  sorry  I could  not write  in time.

 You Know I'm a student Shree Janata Higher Secondary School Umajan Bara, Nepal. It was  established in 2025 BS  as a primary   school with 25  students and a  teacher . It was made a Higher Secondary School in 2069 B.S. Now it is  a popular  Higher  Secondary school in this area.

 It has about 2500 students from  class one to  twelve. There are 75 teachers. It has  four school buildings. One is  for office  while   others are for classes. There are altogether fifty two class rooms. It addition,  we have a library room. a science lab,  a computer room etc. We have got many other facilities like clean drinking water, toilets and big play ground.

 Our teachers are  qualified, trained and experienced.

 They teach us very well.

 Manisha, Please write about your school.

With love

 Prabin Sahani

4. Suppose your brother is in a city for studying . Write him a letter describing the importance of balance diet.

                                                                                              Shreepur, Birgunj

                                                                                                2077 Bhadra 27

Dear Prabin

Sweet love

We are fine  here and hope you for the same.

 you are  studying. you may  think of study and neglect health. So as  your  elder sister. I'm suggestion you.

Bishal, health is  the most  important  thing in our life. If your health  is poor, you can't learn well. Eat  balance food. It contents many  factors. It should include carbohydrate,  minerals,  calcium, vitamin, protein, fat etc.

You should  eat food  having  carbohydrate.  It gives  you calories. It is  necessary for you  to get  energy. you should eat rice, potatoes , fruits, vegetables,  milk , eggs, and meal in a proper  quantity.  So eat   meat, eggs , and fruits , like carrot, milk items and vegetables, Ok, take care and write me what you feel.

Yours Sincerely, 


 3. Suppose your friend lives  in Kathmandu. He always tell you to give  up your farming profession. Now, write him a letter describing the 'Importance of agriculture'.


                                                                Nagwa 06, 2077

Dear Manisha


How are you Manisha? I'm  fine and hope  you for the same. I got your letter yesterday. I'm very happy.

I am sorry Manisha, I could  not  agree  with you you know Nepal  is an agricultural  country. About  80% people  are  in this field. They are  feeding  almost  all the  Nepali people.

We have  a lot  of land. If  we can  get  modern  fertilizers, seeds and irrigation, we can grow  more than we need. Then  we can  easily earn money. selling  them   and invest on other fields. We will not  have  problem to set  up  hospitals and  school.

We can  produce  meat, eggs, fruits , vegetables that which give a lot  of milk. Then we can set up dairy industries and produce many  things. We  can be  rich and happy. So,  I'm  happy  in my  profession.

Yours Sincerely


2.Write a letter to friend. He lives in a village but does not like a village. Tell him ' Village Life is Better than a City life.'



                                                                                     Vishwa, Birgunj

                                                                                    2068/Chaitra /25

Dear Samir

I am glad to receive your letter after a long time. 

We are fine  and hope you all  for the same.

You are  not happy  living  in village. You  are right  There  are not   not modern  facilities which are found in  a city. As  you know,  the things are not  always real as they  are seen.

You can not find a  fresh  place to breathe. you will  find shrink everywhere. you can not  find a place where you can  have a peaceful  rest.  You will  hear noise, horror and rush in the city.    People are always busy  and  restless.

 Prakash, you can see  many facilities  like motor  cars,  pitch roads, and happy life here, but  they  are all  artificial. You cannot  find the  people  really  happy. social  and friendly  like  in village , here.

 Prakash, please write me again, ok! I will  come to  the village to enjoy Dashain with you yours 


Writing Personal Letters

 1. Write a letter to your aunt who lives in a village suggesting her to send her daughter to school.


                                                                                        15th December 2019

                                                                                        ReshamKoti, Birgunj

Dear aunt

Many loves

How are you aunt ? And  how  is Sruti? We are find and hope you all  for the same. I am  writing to you after a long time.

Aunt, I think  Sruti is grown up now. She must  be  five years old. It's  time for her to go  to school. I hope  you have  sent her to school. Once you told me What a girl can get earning? I won't  teacher'.

 Aunt, the truth is that education is the real property for child. If  you educate Sruti. it will be her personal property but if you  give  her money it can be lost, looted or spent. Education is  a permanent property.

 Aunt, you have seen these  days? Educate ladies are happy. They can spend their lives happily. Have you seen the uneducated  ladies happy like them? Aunt, So I request you to send  to school.


An unforgettable event of my life

 One day when, I was  in class  nine,  my friends made a plan for  tour. We  decided to go to Lumbini. We made a plan to go early and see the historical shrines in  Lumbini. We set out early in the morning on a Saturday. We had taken our tiffin with us to eat when we got to Lumbini

When we  reached Daunne,  it had already been 7 am Most passengers got off  there to see the  Gomba and the bus was almost empty. The driver disappeared. We waited for an hour but  nobody came there. We went searching them.  We found them  inside a hostel playing cards. It had been 9.30 by then. When we asked the bus  staff replied that they  had  to wait for the pass passengers who had gone  to the  Gomba. We shouted against them.

 A crowed of people gathered in no  time.  Some  people took  our side. At last he was ready  to refund us. It had already been  ten  thirty. We could  not  decide what to do.

 We took another bus  and went to Lumbini. We reached  there at two  and looked at the Gombas made  by many  foreigners there; and the popular mayadci temple and the  peace flame. It got  five by then so we came  back home  at about nine 0'clock at night. I can  never forget this event in my life.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Saraswati Puja

 The Hindu look upon Saraswati as the goddess of  learning and music. Students, teachers, scholars, celebrate this festival. It falls in Magh. The day also known as Shripanchami. She wears white saree. The white colour is the sign of purity. She sits on a white swan and puts her feet on a white lotus. She holds a musical instrument called bina, in her hands. There are many books by side.

 Students worship on her image or photos. Student adorn the place  of worship, they rise early, have a bath and  make all arrangement for the Workship. The  school priest distributes prasad when the  workship is finished. The next morning the image is taken in a procession to the river and  immersed in the water.

This  festival has an educative value They learn the value of co-operation and gain self-confidence.

My daily routine

 I am a good  student of my class. I know that students must have their routine. It helps them  to  do their works properly and systemically. They can give  importance to all the  necessary things. It also helps to form a good habit.

 I have made a routine. I generally get up at 5:00 o'clock. I complete getting fresh by 5:30 am. Then I read my books up to 7:00 am. My mother prepares tea by them. After having tea and some, I write  my  home work till  8:30 and  prepare books for school before I have my lunch. After that,  I got to school. I  stay at school from 10:00 to 4:30 pm.

 At school, I play active role  in my class . I  take parts in games and when  I get free time, I go to library. I  sometimes talk to friends about our problems. We  find out problems to ask our teachers.

 At half past four, I come back  home. Every day,  pass  sometime in  leisure. I often water flowers. It  os my hobby.

 At 6:0' clock, I enter my reading room and write homework. We have meal at about 8:00 clock. Then I watch T.V. for about half an hour half an hour. I complete my  homework and go to bed  around at ten. I generally pass my  time like this.

If I were a doctor in your local hospital

 I'm a class ten  student now and I'm in preparation for the SLC examination. I think of many things regarding to my  society. I have seen so many people dying  of or  suffering from many diseases.

 If I were a doctor of my local hospital, I would save them from these dangers. I would first of all educate the people regarding the food  items they eat. I would educate the people to drink clean water. The next, I  would suggest them about the necessary factors needed in their food.

 The next thing, I would start  a paying clinic in addition to my normal duty.  Then I  would  check  them  for a  nominal fee. But,  I would  give  check  them  for a nominal  fee But, I would give  the old  people first priority . I would  give  them  the sample medicine free of cost.

 I wouldn't pass  my time only checking the patents. I  would save some time for my  study and research works.  I would contribute the medical sector finding out new facts.

  I would organize a health club  in my  community. It  will  educate people  how to keep  the environment clean to be safe from communicable diseases.

 Hence, If I were  a doctor. I would  certainly do  something for myself, for my  people and for my   nation.

The Responsibilities of an Ideal Student

 The  purpose of education is to produce ideal persons to face the responsibilities of the future. This  aim  can be  the responsibilities of the future. This  aim can  be achieved only when the students are sincere and they acquire the  education in the  real sense.  Just copying a few  questions  and passing the examination is not  an education. A student is a person who  devotes himself to the  pursuits of knowledge and learning. It is, therefore, the  first and foremost duty  of an  ideal   student to seek knowledge. The  pursuit of Knowledge demands hard work and full  devotion. Unfortunately, the  students do not  realize their duties. They have confined the education. Their greatest purpose is  to get good  grade in the examination by  hook or by  crook. They  adopt  all the foul means to get through the examinations. Their greatest purpose is to get good  grade in the examination by  hook or by crook, They adopt all the foul means to get through the examinations.  The  ideal student enriches himself/ herself with knowledge. In  practical life only those students come out with best colors who had acquired knowledge.

An ideal student enjoys learning. He goes deep and deep in search of Knowledge. He is not a  bookworm. He Knows that  a healthy body is necessary  for healthy mind. He takes interest in all the activities that  promote his  physical health.  He  goes to the playground with the same please and  enthusiasm with which he studies in the library.

An ideal student  is not  unsocial. He loves his fellow students and takes part in all  the collective activities.

The ideal student respects and honors his teachers He Knows the place of teachers, Who are  opening the gate of glories for him. He is humble and obedient. The more he learns from his teachers, the more grateful he is to them. The more knowledge he gets the more humble he becomes, An  ideal student is not a frog in a well but  a person with   in well but  a person with greater vision and ideals. He is regular and punctual,  He  does not participate in adverse and negative activities. He confines himself to his studies and task. He does not waste his time in useless deeds. He does not  keep association with such elements whose  purpose is  to damage the cause of education. He  believes is simple and  plain living. He is kind and  generous.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Importance of Cottage Industries

Cottage industries  are simple and small  industries. We  need  many  things  in our  everyday   life.  We have  to wear. We  need  soap.  We need  copies. We  need  matches to make  fire.  All  these things  are the  products of cottage industries.
 We have  have some  popular  cottage  industries . They are Palpali Dhaka,  Karuwa of Tansen, Bhojpure Khukuri  etc.  Nepali paper is also  a popular  product of cottage industries.
 Cottage industries are very  much  important for  the  development of country. They  can be set up  with  a small amount  of money  in a small  area.  They can  be set up  in every  village.  We can  provide  employment  for the people  of villages. Most  People   in the  villages can  use  their  leisure time  in the  industries.
 We can  use our  bamboo, straw, as  materials from  our  forests and produce  paper, scent,  soap, matches etc.  In the same way,  we can  use our cheap soil to  make posts.  We  can develop our art   and  handicrafts. These are some disadvantages. These products may be tittle expensive, we may not  get  a big market and will  have to be satisfied at a little profit. But we  can be using  the idle time and our energy which is  running for no use.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Life of the people in the mountains:


Nepal  is a country  of  mountians. Nepal  is divided  into  three geographical  regions. They are Himalayan, Moutainous and Terai regions. About 84 percent of the  land lies in this  region.

 Mountains life spreads from  IIam to Mahakali. People  of many  castes  and religions live there. The major  castes   are Brahmin, Kshetry,  Gurung , Magar, Vishorkama, Newar , Thakali etc.  The main religions are Hindusim,  Baudhism, Christaintly and Muslim. So  they have different languages and  culture, and traditions,Most houses  are made of stone, mud and dry  grass  but these days  have been tin  roofed.

 Most people  in this  regions  are farmers. They  grow crops,  pet animals  and birds like  hen, pigeon etc.  They  grow vegetables and fruits, too. Some  places are developed. There are small  markets, So  some  people are  services holders and  businessman.

 Life of this  regions is very  difficult. People  have to  walk ups and downs on the hills. Their  homes are on a hill  and they  have to  go to  far  away  for working . They  even  have to  carry  their  drinking   water from  distant places.

 They  have  very few facilities . There are not  good distant places.

 They  have very  few facilities. There are not good motor able roads. There is no  reliable electricity . There are not  good schools and  colleges. If we can  improve the conditions, this life can be  a happy life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 A bicycle is  a popular means of transparent of the  villages and cities. It is based on a simple  rule. It is  driven by punished paddles of the  cycle on both  right and left sides.  It has two simple wheels and linked with  a chain which helps  to run it.

 It is very  useful  means  of transport among  the   students. It is cheap  to use.  It is  also  easy to maintain when there  is a problem . It   does not need  any kind of fuel. It is  also  used by  the farmers to carry  loads like grass  in the villages and  to carry  goods in the  villages. It is  also  for physical  exercise, too in  the cities.

 Not  only  this, it  is used  as a means for entertainment. Young boys and girls  use it  of competitions like cycle  race.  It has been  used for travelling world wide. Mr. Pushkar Shah has just returned cycling  through 150 countries in 11 years. They  often  say ' Cycle race for  peace and brotherhood. Once a newspaper had  published a very  interesting  news.  The past  president of South Korea was riding  a bicycle carrying  this grand  daughter to school.

 It is a simple  invention with  a great  use. We  should  have a  habit  of cycling  to  save money and health .

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A visit to a zoo or national park.

 We were in class   nine last year. We decided to visit the zoo. We were  about twenty students in  the team. We reserved a micro bus  from the nearest bus stop and went  to the national  zoo at Jawlakhel, Lalitpur.

Since we are students, we got a reduced rate for  the entrance. We had to pay  only  Rs 5  per head. 

 As we entered  the zoo, we saw  the varieties of birds.  I wondered looking  at so many  birds.  The  ostrich was so big  very hard to believe. Then we looked  at  the tigers.  They looked  poor  and hopeless. Perhaps they  were  fed up of the ready  made  meat they  usually get.

The next  we looked  at the  deer, monkeys and  many  others.  The long  tailed monkey with its black  face looked very dangerous.  A little  boy  had  just  tried  to  give the  monkey a chocolate: it  grabbed his had and injured him.  The next attraction, I found  was  the snakes. I had  never guessed so many  of the  snakes are found  and kept  in the  zoo.

 After a long  walking round  the zoo,  We  were tired  and  hungry. So we had  khaja and dot back for home. But  the animals that love the free  life  are kept  in the  zoo.  It is  like a jail.  We had exploited the animals for our sake. I did not really  like it.

Monday, November 2, 2020


 Computer is an electronic   machine. It was  developed from  calculator machine. We can  not say  what it does. But  we should  say  what it  can not  do! it means  computers are used in every  field of our life.

 Computer  is popular  among  the learned  persons and the students.  You  may work in any field today: you may be  using  a computer. We are grateful to  Charles Babbage who  invented such a useful thing for us.

Computers have some  important pats. Monitor, mouse, the CPU or central processing  unit  or the  brain  of the computer are major   parts.

 It is  used in  offices  to keep  records  of the  staff, account  , make  grogrammes,  prepare letters and  documents etc.  It is used  to design  dress  or to  treat  a sick  person. It is used  in schools and colleges to  make class room  teaching  effective it  is said, ' Computers have become a part of life.'

Nowadays, the doctors  use computer to treat a patient. If you  talk  about  engineers , they  can do  nothing  without  it. Some  persons  may misuse  it just  to pass  time   and spreading evil information. So we  must use  it for   the betterment of oneself and society being careful of its  demerits.

Educational Tour

 Tour means visiting  places.  People travel From  place to place for different purpose.  Some travel for  getting  education, some for  business, some for  entertainment and some  for visiting  religious places  as  pilgrims.

 Educational Tour or  excursion means a tour of the  students to  a certain place for a  certain time for certain purposes.

 Educational  tour is a part  of practical  learning . Students learn by reading  or listening  to teacher  and doing  very little  in the labs in our schools. But in  such  excursions, students learn  by observation.  They can  see the  real objects, people  and places. 

 Students can read  in books. But  the taste  of real  visit is far  more different  and effective than their  theoretical study. They can talk  to the people : they  can ask  them  bout  whatever things they like.

 They learn  to live  in groups . They  learnt to face difficulties  and accommodate  in a different  situation.  Together, They  can experience things.

 They may  feel freedom  while  in the tour: but together the students also  learn many  things  informally. They  can see  innumerable things  out of  their  plan.  Students learn many  informal  things So,  educational tour  is very  important for us.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

How we can learn

A person is different from  another. So a person learns the same  thing  in different  ways  because they have different nature. In the same  way subjects are different nature. In the same ways.  So,  we learn things in many ways.
 We learn by reading books. We learn by listening to our  parents and our teachers. We learn by looking things. We learn by doing ourselves.  We  learn by  doing ourselves. We learn by  talking to the neighbours. We learn by travelling to  places and interviewing the people etc.
 A practical subject like science is well learnt in a practical way  by doing. History can be learnt by  listening to  teachers. Some parts of history can be learnt by observing the sites. Social studies are best  learnt by visiting  communities and talking to people. Geography and the social traditions of  a certain  place can be learnt by visiting  places.  We can talk to people, ask questions and learn in a communicative way.
The next, we can best learn  our culture by being involved in the family and social activities. But the  mathematical problems are learnt by practising with the help of teachers. So,  we lean many  subjects in  many  ways.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Use and Misuse of Television

 Most people know about television 'Tele' means 'distance', and 'vision' means 'sight'. it means that we can see the objects and motion of the distance like in front of us. Television has   a dual system of  audio and visual.

Televisions give us  chances  to watching the real events happening in world. It may be  related to politics or inventions,  entertainment or wonders, sorrows or  happiness. Whether the people  are young or old, students or teachers, everyone enjoys watching TV. 

It has become the best  means  for the  young ones to  get entertainment. It has been the best source of  information for the  politicians. In the same  way it can be a good  teaching  materials for the  teachers. Even  the old people  watch religious  programmes on TV.

 But together, it can  be harmful if it  is not  used  in a proper way.  If  the young  children pass time watching television without  learning, they may spoils their  future. Watching  TVs from  very near and for  a long time may affect the eyes. We  should  watch it for a short  time for  certain programmes.  Some scenes  and stories  may be harmful for the  little  children. So,  the guardians should be careful. We  must use it with care.

Friday, October 30, 2020

My village then and now

I live in a village. The name of my village is Surya Nagar. When I was a little  child my  village was back warded. I  can  remember the houses  were small. They were made of dry sticks and dry grass. Only a few houses were made of bricks and dry  grass. Only a few houses were made of bricks. We had no electricity. We read in kerosene lamp. The roads were narrow. They were muddy in summer and  dusty in winter. We had a Primary school.

 Now, my village has been  changed a lot. Most of the houses are concrete buildings . We have electricity, We can watch TV, operate computer, and  refrigerators, grind things, run fans in the hot days, heat water in the  cold months etc. We have telephones.

The  roads have been  graveled. We have a  bus service to the city. We can go to hospital in need. We have a higher secondary school in our Village. We need not go  far away for school education. We have a health post in the village. It has  a service of  health assistant and a mid-wife. We have got  a police post for security.

 We have a library in the village. We  have a small market. We need  not go  to the city for simple  purposes. Our lives have been  very comfortable. Our village has changed and developed a lot. 

Value of Sports

 Sports mean games. Some games are played  inside and some games are played outside of hall.  Chess,  table tennis,  carom  board etc are the games played inside. These are called in door games. Football, volleyball, badminton, relay race, kapardi, dandi blyo etc. are played on the ground  outside the shed.  These are known as outdoor games.

 We can  get many  advantages from  games.  There  is a feeling of competition in every game. So every player wants to win. They are interested to take  part in such  activities. The young  boys  and girls  can use their  free   time playing. The games are full  of physical and mental exercises. The  players  can grow their  good health  body can have  a healthy mind. so they  players  are intelligent, too.

 Every game has certain rules. The players have to  follow  them strictly. This  teaches the players good  lessons. So they  learn  how to follow rules and regulations; and be  disciplined.

 A nation's  development depends on  the disciplined, active and healthy  people . Games are  the major factors to develop   these  characteristics in the  citizens. So sports are very  much important for the development of  a country.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

My friend

I have many  friends in my school and in my school  and in my  neighbourhood. Many of them are good  and  helpful. But, Shyam is my best friend.

He studies in my class. He is  about five feet two inches tall  and  weights about forty kilograms.  He  has a white round face and black hair. He looks very smart  in his school dress.

 He has  a small  family like  mine. His father is a  teacher and mother works in a private office. They  love  me, too.

 He like  to wear shirt and  pants but  his favourite colour is black . He loves singing  songs,  mainly  modern songs. He likes Ani Tsiring as a singer most. His hobby is collecting stamps. He loves  eating  momo and noodles.

He is a very  helpful person.  When  he finds anybody  in problem, he  helps  them as  he can.  He loves  all   friends and respects seniors very much.  He often tells me we must obey our seniors. So, he helps his parents. He is a talents student in the class, So, the teachers as well as students like him equally. He is the first student of my class.

 He loves playing  football  and volley  ball.  He wants to be an engineer and  serve the country. I think he  can meet his aim. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Rising Nepal

 The Rising  Nepal  is the most  popular  English  newspaper in the  press  history of Nepal. It is a  national daily newspaper.  It is  published by  Gorakhapatra Sansthan, a government publication.

 The newspaper spreads never and views of the  government. It is also collects public  opinions. These  can be  feedback for the  government. It is  also  collects public opinions. These can be  feedback for the  government and the leaders. So, they can make policies to address the public  interests. And, they  can correct if it is  necessary.

 It is  publishes the  national  and  international  economic  news.  This  will help  the planning  commissions to  plan  and  implement national  economic  policies.  This  publishes the  news of development works and the needed sectors.

In additions to these, it brings us matters for  entertainment. We  can enjoy reading them. We can  develop English language. We can  learn about the  inventions made in the world.

 Since it is published in English medium,  the  foreign  people  also  learn  about  our political, economical, social , historical and the present condition of the  country. It will popularize the country in the world. so it plays very  important  role  in the development of our country.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My Aim in Life

 I am a student now. Like others I have made my aim in life. we know that a person without an aim is like a boat without a ruder. They  will have  no  destination . These who can  not  dream cannot  get  success in  life.  So  I have got  an aim. I want to be a journalist.

 I'm  sure I  will pass  the SLC examination in the first division. Then  I will  study English  and journalism. I  will work  very   hard  while  studying. I will  study  geography, history  political science etc.

 Our teacher says  it is necessary to have  information of many  social  affairs to be a journalist. So  I will  pass  my free time  in the library . I will  not miss  any  chance  of  educational excursions. I  also  need  practical  knowledge of the places.

 I can not  be a good  of journalist without  computer and  high ranked  out  corruption  of the political  leaders  and  high  ranked  officials. I will appreciate good  behaves  I will  highlights the positive aspects of the  society. I think this will  be a  patriotic work. So I have  decided to become  a journalist.

A winter day

 We have four seasons. Winter is known  as the  last season. It comes  after autumn, and before spring. It  lasts three months, December, January and  February. It is the cold season of the year. It comes  after autumn and before spring seasons.

 A person  gets up in the  morning and wraps in the  clothes because of cold. He does not like  to get out.  He looks out. The environment is dark because of  fog. It he walks around , he finds his clothes wet. Old  people  feel very   much cold  and get  sick.

 He looks  at threes. They are naked. They  have  no leaves. If some  trees have a few  leaves. They  are faded and  lifeless. They really  look  like  the old  persons.  They are waiting  to fall  down  as the old  people waiting the days of their  death.

 He looks  see  a bird  singing  on a tree. He cannot  see  the nests  on the trees.  The birds don't  look happy.  They  get out  of   their  nests  late in  the morning. They have  no interest in life. They look like  the tired and hopeless people. Even   animals  do not  see  happy and energetic. So a winter day looks dull  boring  and lifeless. I do not  like this.

Monday, October 26, 2020

My favorite game

 I am a student. I earn in a school . We learn many subjected at school. We also play many games like football, volleyball, Kapardi, cricket etc. My favourite game is football.

Twenty two players from two  teams play in this game. An number (referee) and two  linemen help to  regulate  the game. One goalkeeper, two  fullbacks, three half backs and five forward players play from a team. The ball  is player with legs. No player except the goal keeper is allowed to touch the ball  with hand. If  aplayer touches the ball  with this  hand. a free  cick is awarded to the  opposite team.

It is  played  in a rectangular  ground of 110 meters and 49 meters  length  and width  respectively. The  winner of the game is determined  on the basis of  the goals.

 If any  player plays  against the rule, he/she is given  punishment/penalty. There are different  forms of   punishment. The  corner kick, penalty , free kick are the forms  of rewards given  to the opposite team when a team makes  a mistake.  The penalty  kick in the  D area is very  dangerous.

 When  the game starts not only  the players but  also   the audiences are equally  excited. We can  get full  exercise from this  game. So, I like  this game.


 The word Newspaper tells  its importance itself. 'News' means new message. 'Paper' means the  medium that carries the message.

The newspapers are really very important things. They carry us news. We are informed with  the message of what  is happening in our locality , country and world. It tells  us about the politics, the economic ups  and downs, games, entertainment , weather, literature or what we need.

 It makes  people  informative. If  you go  to a group of  educated people . You can hear  them talking about  different things of the country and the world. How different things of the country  and the world. How do they  know  these all? The main  source is the  newspaper.

 Students need to read newspapers. We can get  general  knowledge.  We can  get some  lesson related to our course.  How can  we be better educated in the social  studies without  a newspaper these days? They  work as a  mediator between the people and  the government. It collects public opinion about the  burning issues and coveys  to the government . Thus  it helps  the government  to make  their  policies. Newspapers  are the necessary elements of the  nation.  They help the nation a lot.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

City Life


Cities are growing  very  fast all  in our country. Population is also  growing  fast  in the cities because  there are many  facilities  in the cities  than  in the villages.

  We can  get  public  and private schools and colleges. There are hospitals and clinics. We  can get  transport and communication facilities. There is electricity. We  can use modern inventions. We can  use computers. E-mail and internet. We can learn  about  the world sitting in our  own homes.

 There are cinemas. Computer and language institution etc. Government offices,  Industries, big business firms are found  in the  cities . We can  get  education , quick  treatment , jobs and funs, too  These facilities  have  attracted people.

  In the city  life is not  easy  as  it is seen.  The pollution  in the city  is the main  problem. There  is  dirt  in every  corner . There  are noise  and crowd every where.

People  may get  a job  but  it is not  enough  to live. So they  are busy  is more then one  job.  People  have no  time.  Everyone  is running  because of their  necessities.

They  don't know each other. People  are only  running  earn money . They  don't  care good  or bad. Any  way city life is attractive.

Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife  means the living  things of the jungle. It means  the wild plants and animals. In the  same way. conservation means to preserve or save them.

Wildlife is very much important  for us. We can't live without it.  The green plants  produce oxygen.  It is a must for us.  The forests cause to rain. So other plants and food  can be grown. Forests help us check flood and landslides, too . They  keep  the atmosphere fresh. In addition, they  provide us timber, firewood and herbal plants. We can  set up  industries and get  employment.

 Forests are  the homes of wild  animals, birds and insects. Because of the  endangered animals like  one-horned  rhino, tigers, crocodiles and birds here.  We  can save  them from  being extinct.

 The tourists  who are  found  of nature, visit our country. Students studying  about  wildlife visit  our country and we can  develop our tourism . We can   create employment and earn  money.

 Every  animals  is a part of system. The absence of  anyone  may effect the  whole  system. So,  We will  any one  may  affect the whole  system.  So,  we will  preserve our whole  system in which  we are living. Therefore, wildlife preservation is very  important  for  our life and our economic development. 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Village Life

 Nepal  is a mountainous country. People  live in  villages. The life of  the village is simple. They  grow crops, vegetables, fruits etc. They keep cattle like  buffaloes, cows and get fresh milk, calves and fertilizer for  their  land. They also  pet goats, sheep, and hens and produce meat and eggs.

They don't have other sources of  income. They have to sell  their  products at a cheap rate. They have  to sell  their  products, at  cheap rate. They don't hard working. They can't get easy loan from  the banks. But, they  are happy.

 The  people  are very  helpful and honest in the  villages. When guests come, they  behave them as gods. They love their  neighbors. They  love their culture. They are healthy because they can eat fresh food. They  live in  fresh atmosphere.

 They also have some problems. They sometimes get sick and they can not get quick treatment because there is no good hospital or a health post, nor is good transport to go  to the city hospital.

There are not modern facilities. There is no  electricity, telephone, internet,  post office, police posts etc. If we are  able to improve the condition a little, we can get a happy and healthy life in the villages.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Modern Inventions


This is the age of science and technology. Our lives have been  changed during these few  years  because the inventions. Now we can  live  in a  warm  place in a cold  season,  and can  cool  hot rooms and live in a  cold  room.  It is  because of electricity.

We can  go  any where  in no time. The  moon and  the Mars  are still worshipped by us.  But the  scientists have visited and started studying to find  out  whether we can live there. The rockets are flying   to the space If you have money.  you can  go  to the moon. These all are possible because of transport.

 We can  talk  to people  living  in any  place  of the world. If any  event  happens in any  corner of the world. It  spreads all over the world in  a second.  These  are  all because  of the invention of  communication. People's lives have  been longer because of modern medicine and the technology.

 Thus, the invention of  electricity , transport, modern medicine and computers have made our lives advanced. We have been living a miracle life in the  eyes of our forefathers.

 But  together, no  news  is heard where  there  is  no  accident. Everything  has both  good  and bad sides so we  must  tolerate them. Any way,  we have  to live in the world using  these all  inventions.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Natural resources in the development of our Country

We are rich in natural recourses. If we can  use them properly, we an  be rich very soon. Water resource is the main  source of our country. If we can use them, we can  set up hydroelectric plants. Electricity  can be used for industries, transport, mills, irrigation in addition to our every day  use  to light  homes, to  start TV, computer, running simple mills etc.
 If we  can  set up  only fifty  percent of possible  hydroelectric plants, we can  export the electricity  to  earn money. In addition, we can irrigate  all the  land  so that we can  produce crops,  we can  sell  them too.
 The next  we can use  the Himalayas for  attracting tourists . We can  use the  the Himalayas for  attracting  tourists. We  can also  set up  herbal  industries because of Himalayan forests and  the dense forests of mountains and  terai.
In the  same way, we can  use  our jungles of all  areas for national development. We can  attract  tourists and set up  many  industries  on the  basis  of national  parks.
 We can  also  use the  hills  to produce herbs  and fruits. They  will not  only  enough  for us  but we  can export  them too  to earn  money. All  these  development works  will generate  employment too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Historical place I have visited

Two years ago. I visited  Gorkhara with my father. We reached the bus  park of Gorakha at 1 0'clock. We had to visit  our relative  there.  Grandpa said we would visit  the Kalika  temple and Gorakha Durbar the next day.
As Soon as we got off  the bus, we  climbed  a little  up to hill. We had  a short rest there . It was a very  pleasant place  to look  at. I  looked at the  southern side. I saw  the slope  land  hilly villages. My grand father told me  about  the place. We went  to the  relative's house then.

The  next day, he  took me  to kalika  temple  on top  of the hill. We saw the temple . We saw the birth  place of Prithvi Narayan Shah  had used  to fight and overcome the enemies.
 Most people  I found  there were  farmers. Some people  were  business   men. They were  simple  and helpful.
Now,  l realize that this place  is very  important. This  needs  protection and care because it is important from  the point  of view of Nepalese history.

A village life is better than a city life

 Nepal is a country of villages. However, many  cities  are emerging very  fast. People  prefer living  in cities  to living in the villages. They  find many  facilities there. They  can get quickly  means of transport, communication , schools and  colleges, job opportunities, hospitals etc.

They link they can enjoy modern life. But they  don't care that there  are so many  problems. There  is  always  noise and horror. There  is pollution. There is dirt. There  is traffic jam.

 People  are busy  and restless. They  have  no time  to  have  no time to  have rest and see their  relatives when  they  are in  troubles. They have  no time  to enjoy  social life.

 Although there are no  good roads, schools and  modern facilities, village life is very  good life. People  work hard so they  are healthy. They  grow crops, vegetables and pet animals. They  can  get fresh food and live in a fresh environment.

 Their life is very  simple. They  have very  few  needs. When  they are  fulfilled, they  are happy. They   celebrate their  traditional  festivals and enjoy a lot. They enjoy social life. When there  is a problem in a family of their  community, they  help them. Therefore  l like village life more than a city life.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Farmer

A famer is  a person who  works  in the  field and grows  food for us.  His life is very  hard.  He has to works a lot   everyday. He  does not get free  time.

 When  he has  to plant  rice,  he has  to depends on  rainfall. If it  does not rain  in time.  he cannot plant rice. the next, he does not get enough fertilizer in time, neither has he got improved seed. he grows crops with difficulty. when it is time of harvest, he is always fearful of snow and rain. after harvest, he has to sell them at a cheaper price because he has to return the loan ha has taken during the planting time. he does not get loan at a cheaper interest from bank. so he has to go to the Mahajan of his village and has to pay higher rate of  interest.

in addition to crops, a farmer keeps animals. he has to keep them for fertilizer, milk and calves for growing into oxen to pull his cart and for ploughing field. he has to keep busy himself.

although, he has to pass a hard life, he is very helpful and hospitable to guests. he has limited expecation, and when they are fulfilled, he shows his happiness. he enjoys singing folk songs and celebrating traditional festivals. he enjoys with his family members and relatives. any way, a farmer is a god for us all people.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Importance of Social Service.


Different kinds of people are found in a society. Some are involved in jobs, Some are involved in jobs, some in business, some in writing etc. They may be doing anything, but some people are busy doing something for the society.

Social service can be done in many  ways. If we help  illiterate people and make then  literate, their eyes will be open. If we collect old books and give the  poor students, they will get a chance to read. If we poor students, they  will get a chance to read. If we  take a handful of rice from  our food  everyday, we can make a big amount of rice for the starving people.

There are many  association for social services. Nepal  Red Cross Society, Lions club, Rotary club etc. are very popular. But  we  can do individually, too. We have heard about Teresa. She spent all her life in social  service We have  also heard "Maiti Nepal" which has saved a large number of ladies in problems.

Pandit Narayan Pokharel helped many remote villages to  build schools and colleges. These are a few examples of social services.

So, social service is a great work. We should respect them. We should  help  them  in whatever way we can.