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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Use and Misuse of Television

 Most people know about television 'Tele' means 'distance', and 'vision' means 'sight'. it means that we can see the objects and motion of the distance like in front of us. Television has   a dual system of  audio and visual.

Televisions give us  chances  to watching the real events happening in world. It may be  related to politics or inventions,  entertainment or wonders, sorrows or  happiness. Whether the people  are young or old, students or teachers, everyone enjoys watching TV. 

It has become the best  means  for the  young ones to  get entertainment. It has been the best source of  information for the  politicians. In the same  way it can be a good  teaching  materials for the  teachers. Even  the old people  watch religious  programmes on TV.

 But together, it can  be harmful if it  is not  used  in a proper way.  If  the young  children pass time watching television without  learning, they may spoils their  future. Watching  TVs from  very near and for  a long time may affect the eyes. We  should  watch it for a short  time for  certain programmes.  Some scenes  and stories  may be harmful for the  little  children. So,  the guardians should be careful. We  must use it with care.

Friday, October 30, 2020

My village then and now

I live in a village. The name of my village is Surya Nagar. When I was a little  child my  village was back warded. I  can  remember the houses  were small. They were made of dry sticks and dry grass. Only a few houses were made of bricks and dry  grass. Only a few houses were made of bricks. We had no electricity. We read in kerosene lamp. The roads were narrow. They were muddy in summer and  dusty in winter. We had a Primary school.

 Now, my village has been  changed a lot. Most of the houses are concrete buildings . We have electricity, We can watch TV, operate computer, and  refrigerators, grind things, run fans in the hot days, heat water in the  cold months etc. We have telephones.

The  roads have been  graveled. We have a  bus service to the city. We can go to hospital in need. We have a higher secondary school in our Village. We need not go  far away for school education. We have a health post in the village. It has  a service of  health assistant and a mid-wife. We have got  a police post for security.

 We have a library in the village. We  have a small market. We need  not go  to the city for simple  purposes. Our lives have been  very comfortable. Our village has changed and developed a lot. 

Value of Sports

 Sports mean games. Some games are played  inside and some games are played outside of hall.  Chess,  table tennis,  carom  board etc are the games played inside. These are called in door games. Football, volleyball, badminton, relay race, kapardi, dandi blyo etc. are played on the ground  outside the shed.  These are known as outdoor games.

 We can  get many  advantages from  games.  There  is a feeling of competition in every game. So every player wants to win. They are interested to take  part in such  activities. The young  boys  and girls  can use their  free   time playing. The games are full  of physical and mental exercises. The  players  can grow their  good health  body can have  a healthy mind. so they  players  are intelligent, too.

 Every game has certain rules. The players have to  follow  them strictly. This  teaches the players good  lessons. So they  learn  how to follow rules and regulations; and be  disciplined.

 A nation's  development depends on  the disciplined, active and healthy  people . Games are  the major factors to develop   these  characteristics in the  citizens. So sports are very  much important for the development of  a country.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

My friend

I have many  friends in my school and in my school  and in my  neighbourhood. Many of them are good  and  helpful. But, Shyam is my best friend.

He studies in my class. He is  about five feet two inches tall  and  weights about forty kilograms.  He  has a white round face and black hair. He looks very smart  in his school dress.

 He has  a small  family like  mine. His father is a  teacher and mother works in a private office. They  love  me, too.

 He like  to wear shirt and  pants but  his favourite colour is black . He loves singing  songs,  mainly  modern songs. He likes Ani Tsiring as a singer most. His hobby is collecting stamps. He loves  eating  momo and noodles.

He is a very  helpful person.  When  he finds anybody  in problem, he  helps  them as  he can.  He loves  all   friends and respects seniors very much.  He often tells me we must obey our seniors. So, he helps his parents. He is a talents student in the class, So, the teachers as well as students like him equally. He is the first student of my class.

 He loves playing  football  and volley  ball.  He wants to be an engineer and  serve the country. I think he  can meet his aim. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Rising Nepal

 The Rising  Nepal  is the most  popular  English  newspaper in the  press  history of Nepal. It is a  national daily newspaper.  It is  published by  Gorakhapatra Sansthan, a government publication.

 The newspaper spreads never and views of the  government. It is also collects public  opinions. These  can be  feedback for the  government. It is  also  collects public opinions. These can be  feedback for the  government and the leaders. So, they can make policies to address the public  interests. And, they  can correct if it is  necessary.

 It is  publishes the  national  and  international  economic  news.  This  will help  the planning  commissions to  plan  and  implement national  economic  policies.  This  publishes the  news of development works and the needed sectors.

In additions to these, it brings us matters for  entertainment. We  can enjoy reading them. We can  develop English language. We can  learn about the  inventions made in the world.

 Since it is published in English medium,  the  foreign  people  also  learn  about  our political, economical, social , historical and the present condition of the  country. It will popularize the country in the world. so it plays very  important  role  in the development of our country.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My Aim in Life

 I am a student now. Like others I have made my aim in life. we know that a person without an aim is like a boat without a ruder. They  will have  no  destination . These who can  not  dream cannot  get  success in  life.  So  I have got  an aim. I want to be a journalist.

 I'm  sure I  will pass  the SLC examination in the first division. Then  I will  study English  and journalism. I  will work  very   hard  while  studying. I will  study  geography, history  political science etc.

 Our teacher says  it is necessary to have  information of many  social  affairs to be a journalist. So  I will  pass  my free time  in the library . I will  not miss  any  chance  of  educational excursions. I  also  need  practical  knowledge of the places.

 I can not  be a good  of journalist without  computer and  high ranked  out  corruption  of the political  leaders  and  high  ranked  officials. I will appreciate good  behaves  I will  highlights the positive aspects of the  society. I think this will  be a  patriotic work. So I have  decided to become  a journalist.

A winter day

 We have four seasons. Winter is known  as the  last season. It comes  after autumn, and before spring. It  lasts three months, December, January and  February. It is the cold season of the year. It comes  after autumn and before spring seasons.

 A person  gets up in the  morning and wraps in the  clothes because of cold. He does not like  to get out.  He looks out. The environment is dark because of  fog. It he walks around , he finds his clothes wet. Old  people  feel very   much cold  and get  sick.

 He looks  at threes. They are naked. They  have  no leaves. If some  trees have a few  leaves. They  are faded and  lifeless. They really  look  like  the old  persons.  They are waiting  to fall  down  as the old  people waiting the days of their  death.

 He looks  see  a bird  singing  on a tree. He cannot  see  the nests  on the trees.  The birds don't  look happy.  They  get out  of   their  nests  late in  the morning. They have  no interest in life. They look like  the tired and hopeless people. Even   animals  do not  see  happy and energetic. So a winter day looks dull  boring  and lifeless. I do not  like this.

Monday, October 26, 2020

My favorite game

 I am a student. I earn in a school . We learn many subjected at school. We also play many games like football, volleyball, Kapardi, cricket etc. My favourite game is football.

Twenty two players from two  teams play in this game. An number (referee) and two  linemen help to  regulate  the game. One goalkeeper, two  fullbacks, three half backs and five forward players play from a team. The ball  is player with legs. No player except the goal keeper is allowed to touch the ball  with hand. If  aplayer touches the ball  with this  hand. a free  cick is awarded to the  opposite team.

It is  played  in a rectangular  ground of 110 meters and 49 meters  length  and width  respectively. The  winner of the game is determined  on the basis of  the goals.

 If any  player plays  against the rule, he/she is given  punishment/penalty. There are different  forms of   punishment. The  corner kick, penalty , free kick are the forms  of rewards given  to the opposite team when a team makes  a mistake.  The penalty  kick in the  D area is very  dangerous.

 When  the game starts not only  the players but  also   the audiences are equally  excited. We can  get full  exercise from this  game. So, I like  this game.


 The word Newspaper tells  its importance itself. 'News' means new message. 'Paper' means the  medium that carries the message.

The newspapers are really very important things. They carry us news. We are informed with  the message of what  is happening in our locality , country and world. It tells  us about the politics, the economic ups  and downs, games, entertainment , weather, literature or what we need.

 It makes  people  informative. If  you go  to a group of  educated people . You can hear  them talking about  different things of the country and the world. How different things of the country  and the world. How do they  know  these all? The main  source is the  newspaper.

 Students need to read newspapers. We can get  general  knowledge.  We can  get some  lesson related to our course.  How can  we be better educated in the social  studies without  a newspaper these days? They  work as a  mediator between the people and  the government. It collects public opinion about the  burning issues and coveys  to the government . Thus  it helps  the government  to make  their  policies. Newspapers  are the necessary elements of the  nation.  They help the nation a lot.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

City Life


Cities are growing  very  fast all  in our country. Population is also  growing  fast  in the cities because  there are many  facilities  in the cities  than  in the villages.

  We can  get  public  and private schools and colleges. There are hospitals and clinics. We  can get  transport and communication facilities. There is electricity. We  can use modern inventions. We can  use computers. E-mail and internet. We can learn  about  the world sitting in our  own homes.

 There are cinemas. Computer and language institution etc. Government offices,  Industries, big business firms are found  in the  cities . We can  get  education , quick  treatment , jobs and funs, too  These facilities  have  attracted people.

  In the city  life is not  easy  as  it is seen.  The pollution  in the city  is the main  problem. There  is  dirt  in every  corner . There  are noise  and crowd every where.

People  may get  a job  but  it is not  enough  to live. So they  are busy  is more then one  job.  People  have no  time.  Everyone  is running  because of their  necessities.

They  don't know each other. People  are only  running  earn money . They  don't  care good  or bad. Any  way city life is attractive.

Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife  means the living  things of the jungle. It means  the wild plants and animals. In the  same way. conservation means to preserve or save them.

Wildlife is very much important  for us. We can't live without it.  The green plants  produce oxygen.  It is a must for us.  The forests cause to rain. So other plants and food  can be grown. Forests help us check flood and landslides, too . They  keep  the atmosphere fresh. In addition, they  provide us timber, firewood and herbal plants. We can  set up  industries and get  employment.

 Forests are  the homes of wild  animals, birds and insects. Because of the  endangered animals like  one-horned  rhino, tigers, crocodiles and birds here.  We  can save  them from  being extinct.

 The tourists  who are  found  of nature, visit our country. Students studying  about  wildlife visit  our country and we can  develop our tourism . We can   create employment and earn  money.

 Every  animals  is a part of system. The absence of  anyone  may effect the  whole  system. So,  We will  any one  may  affect the whole  system.  So,  we will  preserve our whole  system in which  we are living. Therefore, wildlife preservation is very  important  for  our life and our economic development. 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Village Life

 Nepal  is a mountainous country. People  live in  villages. The life of  the village is simple. They  grow crops, vegetables, fruits etc. They keep cattle like  buffaloes, cows and get fresh milk, calves and fertilizer for  their  land. They also  pet goats, sheep, and hens and produce meat and eggs.

They don't have other sources of  income. They have to sell  their  products at a cheap rate. They have  to sell  their  products, at  cheap rate. They don't hard working. They can't get easy loan from  the banks. But, they  are happy.

 The  people  are very  helpful and honest in the  villages. When guests come, they  behave them as gods. They love their  neighbors. They  love their culture. They are healthy because they can eat fresh food. They  live in  fresh atmosphere.

 They also have some problems. They sometimes get sick and they can not get quick treatment because there is no good hospital or a health post, nor is good transport to go  to the city hospital.

There are not modern facilities. There is no  electricity, telephone, internet,  post office, police posts etc. If we are  able to improve the condition a little, we can get a happy and healthy life in the villages.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Modern Inventions


This is the age of science and technology. Our lives have been  changed during these few  years  because the inventions. Now we can  live  in a  warm  place in a cold  season,  and can  cool  hot rooms and live in a  cold  room.  It is  because of electricity.

We can  go  any where  in no time. The  moon and  the Mars  are still worshipped by us.  But the  scientists have visited and started studying to find  out  whether we can live there. The rockets are flying   to the space If you have money.  you can  go  to the moon. These all are possible because of transport.

 We can  talk  to people  living  in any  place  of the world. If any  event  happens in any  corner of the world. It  spreads all over the world in  a second.  These  are  all because  of the invention of  communication. People's lives have  been longer because of modern medicine and the technology.

 Thus, the invention of  electricity , transport, modern medicine and computers have made our lives advanced. We have been living a miracle life in the  eyes of our forefathers.

 But  together, no  news  is heard where  there  is  no  accident. Everything  has both  good  and bad sides so we  must  tolerate them. Any way,  we have  to live in the world using  these all  inventions.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Natural resources in the development of our Country

We are rich in natural recourses. If we can  use them properly, we an  be rich very soon. Water resource is the main  source of our country. If we can use them, we can  set up hydroelectric plants. Electricity  can be used for industries, transport, mills, irrigation in addition to our every day  use  to light  homes, to  start TV, computer, running simple mills etc.
 If we  can  set up  only fifty  percent of possible  hydroelectric plants, we can  export the electricity  to  earn money. In addition, we can irrigate  all the  land  so that we can  produce crops,  we can  sell  them too.
 The next  we can use  the Himalayas for  attracting tourists . We can  use the  the Himalayas for  attracting  tourists. We  can also  set up  herbal  industries because of Himalayan forests and  the dense forests of mountains and  terai.
In the  same way, we can  use  our jungles of all  areas for national development. We can  attract  tourists and set up  many  industries  on the  basis  of national  parks.
 We can  also  use the  hills  to produce herbs  and fruits. They  will not  only  enough  for us  but we  can export  them too  to earn  money. All  these  development works  will generate  employment too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Historical place I have visited

Two years ago. I visited  Gorkhara with my father. We reached the bus  park of Gorakha at 1 0'clock. We had to visit  our relative  there.  Grandpa said we would visit  the Kalika  temple and Gorakha Durbar the next day.
As Soon as we got off  the bus, we  climbed  a little  up to hill. We had  a short rest there . It was a very  pleasant place  to look  at. I  looked at the  southern side. I saw  the slope  land  hilly villages. My grand father told me  about  the place. We went  to the  relative's house then.

The  next day, he  took me  to kalika  temple  on top  of the hill. We saw the temple . We saw the birth  place of Prithvi Narayan Shah  had used  to fight and overcome the enemies.
 Most people  I found  there were  farmers. Some people  were  business   men. They were  simple  and helpful.
Now,  l realize that this place  is very  important. This  needs  protection and care because it is important from  the point  of view of Nepalese history.

A village life is better than a city life

 Nepal is a country of villages. However, many  cities  are emerging very  fast. People  prefer living  in cities  to living in the villages. They  find many  facilities there. They  can get quickly  means of transport, communication , schools and  colleges, job opportunities, hospitals etc.

They link they can enjoy modern life. But they  don't care that there  are so many  problems. There  is  always  noise and horror. There  is pollution. There is dirt. There  is traffic jam.

 People  are busy  and restless. They  have  no time  to  have  no time to  have rest and see their  relatives when  they  are in  troubles. They have  no time  to enjoy  social life.

 Although there are no  good roads, schools and  modern facilities, village life is very  good life. People  work hard so they  are healthy. They  grow crops, vegetables and pet animals. They  can  get fresh food and live in a fresh environment.

 Their life is very  simple. They  have very  few  needs. When  they are  fulfilled, they  are happy. They   celebrate their  traditional  festivals and enjoy a lot. They enjoy social life. When there  is a problem in a family of their  community, they  help them. Therefore  l like village life more than a city life.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Farmer

A famer is  a person who  works  in the  field and grows  food for us.  His life is very  hard.  He has to works a lot   everyday. He  does not get free  time.

 When  he has  to plant  rice,  he has  to depends on  rainfall. If it  does not rain  in time.  he cannot plant rice. the next, he does not get enough fertilizer in time, neither has he got improved seed. he grows crops with difficulty. when it is time of harvest, he is always fearful of snow and rain. after harvest, he has to sell them at a cheaper price because he has to return the loan ha has taken during the planting time. he does not get loan at a cheaper interest from bank. so he has to go to the Mahajan of his village and has to pay higher rate of  interest.

in addition to crops, a farmer keeps animals. he has to keep them for fertilizer, milk and calves for growing into oxen to pull his cart and for ploughing field. he has to keep busy himself.

although, he has to pass a hard life, he is very helpful and hospitable to guests. he has limited expecation, and when they are fulfilled, he shows his happiness. he enjoys singing folk songs and celebrating traditional festivals. he enjoys with his family members and relatives. any way, a farmer is a god for us all people.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Importance of Social Service.


Different kinds of people are found in a society. Some are involved in jobs, Some are involved in jobs, some in business, some in writing etc. They may be doing anything, but some people are busy doing something for the society.

Social service can be done in many  ways. If we help  illiterate people and make then  literate, their eyes will be open. If we collect old books and give the  poor students, they will get a chance to read. If we poor students, they  will get a chance to read. If we  take a handful of rice from  our food  everyday, we can make a big amount of rice for the starving people.

There are many  association for social services. Nepal  Red Cross Society, Lions club, Rotary club etc. are very popular. But  we  can do individually, too. We have heard about Teresa. She spent all her life in social  service We have  also heard "Maiti Nepal" which has saved a large number of ladies in problems.

Pandit Narayan Pokharel helped many remote villages to  build schools and colleges. These are a few examples of social services.

So, social service is a great work. We should respect them. We should  help  them  in whatever way we can.

My Favourite Profession

 profession means the work we do. it is gained after a certain qualification and skills. People have some works. Some are farmers. they work in the field. some are teachers. some are sweepers. some are shopkeepers. any way, every body is doing something. these are their occupations or profession.

My favourite profession is 'computer engineer'. this is the age of computers. the invention of computer has changed out everyday life a lot. we need computer if we like to do anything.

it is the most popular invention of this time. it we know to operate computer, we can get to know and do a  lot living in our rooms. computer engineers are very highly respected these days.

computer are used worldwide. it we have a degree of computer engineer, we can go to any country without difficulty. we can get job in our country or in a foreign country.

new innovations are being made in this field. we can get chances to face those challenges. there is always a chance to be competent worldwide .

so, i like to be a computer engineer and become world wide popular.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

An accident I witnessed

 It was my friend's birthday. I was cycling towards his home with a friend. We were on our bicycles Since the road was wide and clean, we were cycling side by side  and talking.

 I was surprised hearing  a noise behind me I  stopped  my bicycle  and turned to the  noise . A girl and a man  were lying  down  on the road . A  bicycle  and a  motorbike were also  lying  down  beside then. We   turned back and rushed to the  spot.

The scene showed  the motorbike  had hit  the bicycle. The girl was unable to stand up .  She  was  our friend,  Rachana. When  we  asked  she told  she felt  pain  on the  leg. But, later  we found  she had  no serious injury. My god !She was safe.

 The motorbike rider was injured on the leg  and hand.  He had wounds on the  knee. It was bleeding. The  wound  on the  hand was also big.  I thought it might  have been  broken.
We called  an ambulance and took  them to  a nearby clinic. The  health  worker examined and said Rachana. had no  serious injury. So, she need  not go  to hospital .
She went  home after some time. But, the man  was  seriously  injured on the  hand. We called this  relative  and sent him to  the hospital. Later, I heard he was  plastered there and  got well.

My Favourite Festival 'Holi'

 We celebrate festivals. My most  favourite festival is Holi. It is falls on the full  moon day to  Falgun. It is said it is the festival  of friendship . It is the  beginning of the spring season.

 In this  festival , all friends  get together and play  with  colourful  powder and liquid. At the  end of  the game,  our clothes  are completely  wet. One  cannot  easily  recognize us while  in the play because  our faces are fully  covered with colourful power. But it is  always  friendly  and enjoyable.

 Adults play  this festival  in a systematic  way.  They  visit  homes  after homes. They  even  sing songs and  play . They  are given  sweets while playing.  It's  a very  interesting festival. It is also a symbol  of love among  people .

 Hindu believe once,  Holika  was blessed  that  the fire would  not affect her. She  wanted  to kill  Prahlad for this  brother ,  Hiranyakashipu. So,  she tired to get Prahlad burnt in the life. So,  Holika and Prahlad were  kept  together  in a big fire. But,  It didn't affect Prahlad. Holika was  burnt. Hindu have been  playing this festival  since then.

 But  these days,  some  hostile  behaves are seen. We  must  be careful to be  civilized .We  should care and follows its norms and values.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Tyranny in our Society

 There are many  kinds  of people  in the community  some look  very  gentle. Some  look  rich  and  prosperous . The  others are miser. Some others are very poor. They  are suffering from  problems . They  are passing a miserable life.

People  say they  are human . They  are  rationale.  But some  people  are very  unfair.  Their  children go to school  to learn. But they  let some children to  work  hard  for them  at home.

 They  deliver lectures on human  rights  in meetings and seminars.  But  when  they  see  the children of  the poor family or of  the lower  castes, they  hate them.

Some  children are found  collecting plastics on the  roads.  These  so called  superior  persons don't  show  pity on them. Instead , they  shout  at them . If they  get  chance  they take  home  to enslave them.

 How  unfair  we are at this. These  street  children  have no home to live . They  have to pass  their  nights  on the roads . Where  is our  human  rights? Where is our  humanity?

 I think  we  don't  have  rights to talk  about  human  right until we  behave all children  equally. We  should  change  ourselves before we suggest others.

Infant hygiene


An infant means a newly  born baby  and  hygiene means the health, or the cleanliness. The  infant stage is the most important time  in a person's life. If a baby does not get  good care in this stage, it cannot grow well.

 A baby  has very  weak organs. It can  not adjust in the  a new  atmosphere very  easily. It needs a sincere care to grow healthy.

The most important things for  infants are clean and  hygienic  food. Among  all food  items  breast milk is the best. It is  the most  important  natural  food for the  infants. It is the most important  natural food for the  infants. It is rich in factors that  promote  brain growth and neurodevelopment of  the babies. The  breast fed babies are more intelligent than  the bottle fed ones

The breast fed  babies are  independent and social . The breast fed babies have  a sufficient exposure with the mothers. It develops the babies' common senses and their  language.

 In addition to break milk, the babies  need  liquid  and  soft food  full of  carbohydrate, protein , minerals and calcium. They  need clean environment and clean drinking water . The infants  also  need  good  mannered baby  sit  and sincere  care to grow socially, mentally  and physically healthy, So,  one should  be very  careful to grow  an infant.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Drug Addiction


In common drug means medicine. We need them when we are ill. But when someone uses medicine for non medical purpose, It is called  drug addition. This  is an illegal use of  medicine because it is used  to affect the body. It is used orally, by  injecting into the body and by  means of smoke.

 Drug  addiction is a  serious problem  these days. Mainly  the young  people  are found to be involved in drug addiction.

 We can  find  many  reasons behind it . But, bad  friendship is the major  cause. When  a young  boy  or girl feels unloved, he/she  is intension. He /She may meet  those  addicted  friends. Some times, they  may like  to show  superiority  to the  opposite  sex.

Prevention is better than cure. So, it is better to  stop our young  children from  this.  For this, we should  try  to understand their  problems. We should  not  behave with  them rudely . We should  love them. It  makes the young  ones  faith in families . It is not  possible  for the young  ones to meet  the bad  company.

 Even  with those  addicted  ones, we should make friendship and have a normal  behaves. So,  they   may feel  easy  at home and at schools, too. Then it  will be  easy to  solve this problem.

Superstitious beliefs in our Society.

 Every Society has its own norms and values. They  pass to the new  generation slowly.  Some norms and  values are very   useful for the  new generations  but some are very bad. They draw the society backwards rather than forwards.

 We have some  superstitious  beliefs. It is thought that if  a persons is going  somewhere and sees an empty vessel; his journey will not  be successful. In  the same  way, if  someone sees a widow on the  way while  going some where , it is thought to be  bad luck. While  someone is going  out  and sees a black smith. It is also  taken as a misfortune. But a tailor is taken as a fortune.

 A more  serious case is that, in the  western  region of Nepal , the girls  are not allowed to enter the  houses in their menstruation period. They are believed to be the  untouchables. If she touches males during this period it is  regarded as a sin.

In the same way , it is thought that the girls  should   be  married before they  are  twelve. What will be the  future of the girls, who  are married at the  age of  twelve?

 So it is  too late to change our thinking . Let's  become  human. Let's live and let others live as human. it will show our civilization.

My role model

 I am a student now. I have  seen many  people  around me. I like  some people a lot; I quite like others and I do not like  the rest. Being a student, I  have to  learn a lot. It is my learning time. People's  impression plays very   important role  in our whole life. Binod Gupta in my role model. I like him very much. I like  to follow him for building my character and  personality.

 He is  a social  worker. He is about forty  years old. He is  and educated person. He has a job in an office. He passes his free time doing social works. When people  are sick in the  neighborhood, he  is found helping them.  When  people  have to  he is found   helping  them.  When  people  have to  do some  development works, he is busy their . When  people  are talking  about building a school, he is  leading  the group.

 We  have a library.  He had  set up  the library.  It is  for   the children of our locality.  When  we are  free,  we  go to  the library to read. We can get many  interesting books and  magazines there.

He  speaks  politely. He  respects  others. He hardly  gets angry. he works for others. People  respect him. He says  small things are very  important and  we can do  small  things ourselves. They  help us a  lot in  our lives.  They  makes us  great persons. So I like  to be  like him. He is my role model.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


 Hobby is an  activity we do  in free time. It is very interesting to be involved in hobbies. It is not a compulsory thing one must do . It adds fun to  the  person. Persons have  different interests. They  pass   their  time  doing  what  they like. So,  these  voluntary activities are hobbies.

Persons  have  different interests .Some like  to collect  stamps. Stamps are important things because they  show  the things of nations life. Some like to collect different flowers  in their garden. Some  collect  money  of different  countries. This makes them  learn about different countries and their traditions.

 Others are found of drawing pictures. Some  others sing songs. They  can be  popular  singers  in future. Some read and write  in their  free time. Later  they  can be  great poets  or author. There are so many  things  people  do in their  free time.

 These  types of activities make  people  active.  They  can pass  their  time in a creative way.  Such  persons are not  involved  in destructive actions. Because they have already set up their mind in creation. The most important  thing is that  people  once involved in a hobby  can make  a good  career  in future. They  can learn new  things  from  their  hobby . So hobby is useful in human  life.

The season I like most


We have four seasons in  a year. They  are spring summer,  autumn and winter. I like  spring season the most. This  season  begins from the second half  of Magh and lasts for three months.

 This  is very  pleasant season. People  feel  cheerful in this season. It comes just  after  the hard  freezing cold  cold of  winter season.  People  feel  relief  to get  out of  the thick  winter clothes. They  needn't  be inside most of  the time. The atmosphere  looks free  from  the thick fog  and frost  in the mountains. They can  enjoy the warmth  of the  sun  in the  open  spaces. People  makes  plans of  getting  out,  travelling to the  places of their  choice. Children  enjoy playing  out side  in the sun . How  beautiful  seasons  is it! my spring season.

 Even the naked trees all  the winter  seasons, are filled with new leaves,  and look  like  the girls in beautiful dresses . It looks  green  every  where so  the whole  atmosphere  looks  alive.

 Birds also  enjoy  this season. They  are seen happy  and merry  making. They  build  nests and hatch their  eggs. Nestlings get out  of  their   nests and fly. They  look active, energetic and eager to the new  world. The  spring  showers  the nectar that gives life to all  living  things.

My favourite Book

My  favourite book is Munamadan. It was written by  the great  poem Laxmi prasad Devkota. It is  not a very big  book. It is small  is size but it gives  a great lesson. It is small  in size but it gives a great  lesson. It is written in Nepali folk tune. This is  written  on the  of a typical  Nepali family. It is written on the life of a typical  Nepali family. it is  the story  of  love,  humanity and society.

The  main characters of the  book  are Muna, Madan, Didi, the sister of Madan and a Bhote, a Himalayan person. The story  is simple . Madan had  a wife named Muna. He  was poor . He wanted  to earn money  going to Lhasa with other persons, On the  way while  coming   back  from Lhasa, he got   ill. All  his friends left him.  He was helpless By the  way, a person came there  with a wooden  lamp  hearing  his  scream.  This 'Bhote' Book  him home  and  nursed. He got  well  after a long time. When  he got  well,  he  offered a bag for the  'Bhote'. But,  he refused to  take  the gold. Then Madan got back  home with gold. But by  then,  Muna was  not there. She had already  died. He heard she died thinking  Madan  had forgotten her.

 So,  he wept and wanted  to die for Muna. This  is the story  in short . This  story  gives  the real picture of  Nepali economic  and social  condition of that  time not very  different  from  today. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Importance of extra curricular activities.


The students learn the same books and appear the  same  examinations. But, some  students are far better than others, It  is because  some  take part in the extra curricular activities and others don't.

 For the all round  development of  a student , only  the course books and class room  activities  are not  enough . Extra curricular  activities play  very  important role.

 These  may be  games, quiz contests, spelling contests, dancing, singing, oratory contests, drawing, writing poems, stories, essays etc. Games will help them  develop their  body; keep  healthy , learn discipline and other activities  with  help  broaden their  mind.

 To educate means, to develop the inherent capacity  of the students. For  this,  we should  give  them  of the students. For  this , we should  give  them, chances to take part  in the activities  of their  interest. 

It's  human  nature that  everyone  likes to win and  show one self superior  others, So even  if a student  it weak  at theoretical  study , he/she  can be  brilliant  at  other extra curricular activities.

 Moreover , they enjoy  taking  part  in competitions, If they get chances to take part in these  activities, they  will use  free  time  and can  be   safe from unlikely  activities.

Why should we send our children to school

 Children are the citizens of tomorrow, it is a known fact that  this is the most important time  for a person. This is the most  active., energetic and  enthusiastic time of life. Like  this, school is the  temple  where knowledge and skills are spread around. So we can realize children and schools are like blood and muscle of a body.

The childhood is a learning time. Children cannot remain without  learning  in this time. They  learn whatever they  find, They  learn  what they  can  hear, do or see. If  they  are given environment to learn right things, they will  learn right. In  the same  way,  if they  are exposed  to bad  environment, they  will  learn bad things.

If they  are sent  to schools,  they will  learn  to read,  write, get relationship  with educational personalities  etc. They  will be  educated. They  will  pass their  time for  building  their  future life. In the same way, if they  don't  go to school, they  will have  to mix up with  the street boys and pass their  time in the dust.

The children today are the responsible citizens of  tomorrow. What will be  the future society  if our children remain uneducated? What will  country be  like  then? So only if we  educate our  children now,  they can  be  educated and skillful.

 Therefore, We  should  send our  children to school.

Importance of Technical education


Every body knowns, education in the backbone for the development of  a country. We can get knowledge from education. Education gives us skills and techniques. So we can use the knowledge and skills in the field we like. So only  the educated persons can live happily.

 We have general and technical education, General education  means  the study  of theoretical subjects like English, Nepali, Mathematics, Social Studies  etc. Technical education is practical education. Computer operating, tailoring, carpentry, engineering , medical  study , free  mason etc. are common technical subjects. The  study of lab  technology, engineering , agro technology, (JTs, JTAs) etc. are the technical subjects.

If we get this type  of education, we can get simple  jobs, Nowadays, people  have a thought that students should get a job  as soon  as they  get through a level. It is  true that  the poverty  in the society  has compelled  to think so. If students get technical  education. It is  easier for them to get  a job.

 But, we must  not  forget  intellectual education. We  can spread  both  kind  of education  together  But,  technical  education  has been  a necessity of the time.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Road Accidents

 Accidents are undesirable and  unfortunate events. They  may  take place  any time where. We can see and hear many accidents like plane crash, boat accident, road accident , etc. The accidents that  happen on  the road  are called road  accidents.

 There are many  causes accident. Lack of experience and over confidence, over crowded roads, are the causes of  accidents. The people  walking  along  the road may cross the road  from  any where . They  do not  know traffic rules.

 Some people   take  driving as an amusement and drive carelessly. They  even  drive  drinking a lot. Some people  enjoy  talking on the mobiles while driving.

 The most  important thing is discipline. If people  are  disciplined, they will  follow  a system . After  people  start  following  a system, such  events  are easily controlled.

 We should  follow  some  measures to control  accidents. We should  train  common  people. We  should  make  them  aware  of traffic rules. Distribution of license  should  be little  strict. Incapable  persons should  not be  given  a driving  license at any  condition. The important of too  many  vehicles should  be  banned.

Use of water resources


Nepal is a poor  country  but it is  full  of natural  resources. We have many  kinds  of resources , Water  resource is  the major  source. We have  Himalays, glaciers, ever flowing  permanent rivers, water fails, large lakes etc. If we can use them properly, We can  turn our poor  country  into  a rich country.

 We  can use our rivers  for hydro electric power stations. We can produce so much  electricity that  we do not need all. Electricity  provide us with light . We can  use it  for our  domestic   purpose such as lighting, heating, cooling, watchin TV, operating computers, using  refrigerators, lifting water of drinking and irrigation purposes etc. The major  use of electricity  will be  to run  large, medium  and small  scale  industries etc.  The next  we can  use electricity  for  transport  So  we need  not buy  petroleum from foreign Countries.

The  next  important  sector  is  that we can use water resources for  irrigation. We can build  small  and big  cannels for irrigating land. So we can   produce enough  crops for the people  and even for export .  

We can also  use water  for  entertainment. We can  build hotels on the  banks of the  rivers and lakes. They will attract domestic and foreign tourists So, water resources is very  important for us.

Rivers of Nepal

 Nepal is a country  of natural  resources. Rivers are our very  important national property. They  are the  boon of  nature. Our country  is known as the second richest country in the world after Brazil.

Thousands of  rivers flow  through   Nepal . Some  rivers  begin  from the  snow  capped  Himalayas. They are big and always flowing  rivers, Koshi,  Mechi ,  Arun,  Gandaki, Karnali etc. are some  example  of these kinds. We can  use  them  in irrigation, producing  electricity, for  transport, for  entertainment etc. We can attract  tourists because of these  rivers. We can preserve rare water animals in  these rivers.

Some  others  begin from  the Mahabharat range, These rivers are also  permanent but  they have a little  water  in winter. These  rivers are also  used for  irrigation, running  water mills,  small scale electric projects etc.

 The  rest begin  from  the Siwalik Hills. They  are big  in the rainy days of  summer but dry  in winter . They are very  dangerous  in summer when  it rains heavily. We  can also  use them  for irrigation.

 They  flood in summer  and destroy  our crops; sweep away  our  houses. We must be  careful then. If we  can uses our  rivers, we can  develop our country.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Domesticated Animals in Nepalese Economy

 We live in the villages. Farmers raise many pet animals. Domesticated animals are the most important source of income for the  farmers living in the rural areas. They  also play very  important role in the national economy.

 The major  pet animals in our society are buffalo, cows, goats, sheep, hen ducks, pigs etc. The main purpose of these pet animals is to get meat, eggs, milk, wool, manure, calves and bullocks for their  field works etc.

 They also  pet animals for their  every day work. They  are like oxen to plough field  and for carrying loads for business and their  home use. They use he  buffaloes and bullocks to pull  cart or some  mills too. The horses are used as  means of transport. We  ride horses to travel. They  also  pull Tonga in the city areas.

Carts are very  useful  means of transport in the  villages to help of   farmers and they  are  pulled by the bullocks.

Some even  pet  elephants. They do  a lot  of works. They carry heavy loads. They attract tourists and for circuses.

 These animals  help us to  develop economic growth.


Martyrs are the heroes who  have sacrificed their lives for  the living people. Life is perhaps the dearest thing for the people but  the martyrs give their  lives for the country, or really saying it is for  the living people.

 Who can be martyrs? Those people who  have some aims; have  dreams for  the nation, have plans to make their  nation a heaven, can be this type of heroes.

 Many people might have seen injustice, partialities and exploitation of the powerful people over powerless ones. They don't oppose them. They think it is not their duty to do so.

 But some people can't remain unheard and unseen. So they opposes the exploitations, partialities, tyranny etc. They protest them. They don't care their lives. And they are indicated as the enemies of  the powerful ones.

 Shukraraj, Gangalal, Dashrath Chand and Dharmabhakta were arrested by the  Rana rulers. They asked them them to beg for their lives. But  they  denied. They  repeated for the freedom of  the people. So they  were killed.

 So, martyrs are the great and respected persons. But, the leaders are neglecting the dreams of the  martyrs. We should  be aware of this. 

Good manners

 Good means nice and manners means the  behaviors of persons. So here, good manners means, likely behaves of persons.

What are good manners? The most important thing is the  'speech' of a persons. It is the most important thing because you can impress a person with your speaking at the very first time. It depends upon whether you respect others. If you do not respect others, they will not respect you. If you do not speak politely and do not respect others, you may  me taken as a rude person. People do not like such persons.

 Then one's  activities  are taken. How sincere is one? If you  do any thing sincerely and you  keep your words, you are taken as an honest person. But, if you do not care  time and the person with  whom you are talking to, they  will not take you a good person. Your behavior should  help others. If you cannot do so, don't  harm others.

So, politeness, respectful  behaves, honestly, punctuality, sincerity are the measuring rods to  check a person. One  should do things in time. It is said, early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. Therefore, in conclusion, the  sound habits are good manners.


Discipline means the  'training of mind and character'. In simple words. it  means to develop the habit of likely manners.

It is very necessary for  everybody.What will happen if the soldiers do not follow the commander in the battle field?  It is equally important in the student life because student life  is the training period for the  whole life. It is the time to build good character and  personality.

 In  common sense discipline means only  to be a silent follow and to listen to the seniors. But  it is not discipline. A  disciplined person tells  the truth and facts is a polite way.  He can present  his views  in a good  manner.

 Discipline is an  ornament of a person. If furnishes and adds scent in one's life . it is necessary for every one if s/he likes to make him/ herself a great person, good person and respected person.Who  will  follow  an undisciplined  leader? He way be followed  for a short period of time, but sooner of later he will be rejected. No country can be developed if its  people are not  disciplined. A country cannot  develop if its  people are not  disciplined  and do not follow the  national rules. So, discipline is a necessary thing for  us. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020


Patriotism means strong support of one's  country. It means to love one's  a motherland. The land or the country where one was born is  the mother land. In  our culture, we say, motherland is more important than heaven. So it is said, "Janani Janma bhumishcha sworgadapi gariyasi."

Now we should consider" What is love of country?' Love country is not only saying or giving lectures. 

It is felt and seen in actions.

 How can we do this? The most important  thing is that we should  respect our  motherland. We should be honest to the country. We should  do our duty honestly.

 Doing something for the nation is patriotism and  the actors are  patriots. We have  many  patriots in the history. Bhimsen  Thapa, Balbhadra Kuwar and many other had devoted  their  lives to save  the nation.  Araniko had  spread our culture to China. So many  writes, poets, singers have done a lot to protect and develop Nepali language and culture. 

 All these  are  the patriotic works.

 Doing some thing  from  where we are  and what we can, is patriotism. But the  ones who live only  for  themselves are like the dead ones. So let's do  something good for the nation and be  a patriot.